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One ghadi before and one ghadi after midday and midnight, one should not perform svādhyāya as before. But in the first prahar of the day and the western prahar, and in the first prahar of the night and the last prahar, one should definitely perform svādhyāya, except for the time of asvādhyāya. Thus, one should perform svādhyāya, excluding 32 types of asvādhyāya time. And in the 12th uddeśa of the Niśītha sūtra, there is this text: _ "Je bhikku cauśu mahāpaḍiveśu sajjhāyam karei karatam vā sāijjai, tam jahā sugimhie pāḍivae, āśāḍhi pāḍivae, bhaddavae pāḍivae, kattie pāḍivae."_
Its meaning is also the same as before, but in this text, Bhādrapada is also included. So, Bhādrasukla pūrṇamāsī and Āśvina kṛṣṇa pratipadā, by increasing in this way for two days, there are 34 asvādhyāya times. Therefore, one should perform svādhyāya, excluding these. In the seventh uddeśa of the Vyavahāra sūtra, while describing the time of svādhyāya and asvādhyāya, both utsarga and apvādamārga are followed. For example,
"No kappati nigganthīṇ vā nigganthāṇ vā vitikitṭāe kāle sajjhāyam uddisittae vā karittae ||14|| Kappati nigganthīṇam vitikitṭāe kāle sajjhāyam uddisittae vā karittae vā nigganthaniśśāe ||15|| No kappati nigganthāṇ vā nigganthīṇ vā asajjhāie sajjhāyam karittae ||16 || Kappati nigganthāṇ vā nigganthīṇ vā sajjhāie sajjhāyam karittae ||17|| No kappati nigganthāṇ vā nigganthīṇ vā appano asajjhāiyam karittae kappati ṇam aṇṇamannassa vāyaṇam dalittae ||18||"
The meaning of these sūtras is only this: - A sādhū or sādhvī should not perform svādhyāya at an inappropriate time. But one should perform svādhyāya only at the appropriate time. If there is mutual recitation going on, then one can perform the act of recitation; that is, one can give recitation even at an inappropriate time. And if blood etc. is flowing from one's body, then one cannot perform svādhyāya, but if that place is properly tied up and blood etc. is not flowing out, then one can mutually