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Sixth Stage
With Hindi Bhasha Tika (Commentary).
Padarthanvaya - "Hana - Hanana karo, Chinda-Chedana karo, Bhinda-Bhedana karo" (Saying to the people, the Nastika) Vikattae - One whose limbs are smeared with the blood-water (blood), Chande - Who is fierce, Rudde-Rudra is, Khuddhe - Whose intellect is small, Asamikkhi-yakari - One who acts without consideration, Sahassie - Courageous, Ukkanchana - One who takes bribes, Vachana - Deceitful, Mai - One who practices Maya (illusion), Niyadi - One with hidden deceit, Kutamai - Profound Maya, Sai - Wealth, Oga - Excessive, Duppadi-yanandie - Follower of the wicked, Duvvaya - Of evil vows, Duppadi-yanandie - Delighted in doing and hearing evil deeds, Nissile - Without virtues, Niggune - Devoid of qualities like forgiveness, Nimmere - Beyond limits, Nipacchakkha-na-posahovvase - One who does not renounce and never observes fasting or penance, Asahu - Unrighteous.
Meaning - The Nastika (non-believer) goes around saying to people, "Kill the living beings, cut them, and break them." And he himself becomes the one who cuts (the living beings), his hands are smeared with blood. He is fierce, cruel, and of small intellect, he acts without consideration, he moves about as a courageous person, he takes bribes from people, he is deceitful, he practices Maya (illusion), he creates profound deception, he spreads the net of Maya and uses it excessively, he is of evil conduct, he associates with the wicked, he has evil vows, he is a follower of the wicked, he is without virtues, devoid of qualities, beyond limits, he cannot renounce anything, that is, he never observes fasting or penance, and he is unrighteous.
Commentary - This sutra describes the impact of the life of a Nastika (non-believer). When a person becomes a follower of Nastika principles, first the feeling of compassion disappears from his mind, and he starts considering violence as his goal, going around telling people to kill the living beings in any way possible! He firmly holds these thoughts and behaves the same way with his servants, slaves, and the animal kingdom. His hands are always stained with the slaughter of living beings.