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## 166
## Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra
## Sixth Dasha
He is also an **akriya-vadi**, an **nastika-vadi**, an **nastika-prajna**, an **nastika-drishti**, not a **samyag-vadi**, not a **nitya-vadi**, he does not believe in **paraloka**, there is no **ihaloka**, there is no **paraloka**, there is no **mata**, there is no **pita**, there are no **arhanta**, there is no **chakravarti**, there are no **baladeva**, there are no **vasudeva**, there are no **niraya**, there are no **naira-yika**, there is no specific **phala-vriti-vishesha** of **sukrta-dushkrta**, **suchirna** karmas do not produce **suchirna** phala, **dushchirna** karmas do not produce **dushchirna** phala, there is no **phala** in **kalyana-papaka**, jivas do not **pratyayanti**, there is no **niraya**, there is no **siddhi**. He is such a **vadi**, such a **prajna**, such a **drishti**, and his **chanda-raga-mati** is also established in this way.
**Padyarthanvaya:** He who denies the existence of jiva and other things is **akriya-vadi**, he is **nastika-vadi**, he is **nastika-prajna**, he is **nastika-drishti**, he is not a **samyag-vadi**, he does not establish the permanence of things, he does not believe in **paraloka**, he says there is no **mata**, there is no **pita**, there are no **arhanta**, there is no **chakravarti**, there are no **baladeva**, there are no **vasudeva**, there are no **niraya**, there are no **naira-yika**, there is no specific **phala-vriti-vishesha** of **sukrta-dushkrta**, **suchirna** karmas do not produce **suchirna** phala, **dushchirna** karmas do not produce **dushchirna** phala, there is no **phala** in **kalyana-papaka**, jivas do not **pratyayanti**, there is no **niraya**, there is no **siddhi** (and there is no place between them). He is such a **vadi**, such a **prajna**, such a **drishti**, and his **chanda-raga-mati** is also established in this way.
**Mulartha:** He who denies the existence of jiva and other things is a **nastika** in thought, intellect and vision, he is not a **samyag-vadi**, he does not establish the permanence of things,