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Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra
Sixth Dasha
_ The word "Pratima" means "Abhigraha" which also means "Pratijna". The type of "Pratijna" that is in a particular "Pratima" will be described in its proper place. All this has been described according to Syadvad, which is beneficial in both worlds. This is also called Jain Van-Prasth.
The words "Shravak" and "Upasak" are also found in Buddhism. There, "Shravak" is used for a Sadhu and "Upasak" is used for a Grihastha. _ Now the Sutrakar begins the Dasha, saying:
"I have heard, O Ayushman! Thus has the Bhagavan spoken, here indeed, the Theras, the Bhagavans, have declared eleven Upasak-Pratiamas. Which indeed are those eleven Upasak-Pratiamas declared by the Theras, the Bhagavans? These indeed are those eleven Upasak-Pratiamas declared by the Theras, the Bhagavans, namely:
_ Word-meaning: Ayusman - O Ayushman disciple! Me - I have heard, Tenam - by that Bhagavan, Bhagavan - the Lord, Evam - in this way, Akhyam - has declared, Ih - in this Jain-Shasan, Khal - certainly, Therahin - the Theras, Bhagavantehin - the Bhagavans, Ekkaras - eleven, Uvasag - Upasak, Padimao - Pratiamas, Pannattao - have declared. (The disciple asked, "O Bhagavan!" Kayara - which, Tao - those, Therahin - the Theras, Bhagavantehin - the Bhagavans, Ekkaras - eleven, Uvasag - Upasak, Padimao - Pratiamas, Pannattao - have declared? (The Guru answers) Imao - these, Khal - certainly, Tao - those, Therahin - the Theras, Bhagavantehin - the Bhagavans, Ekkaras - eleven, Uvasag - Upasak, Padimao - Pratiamas, Pannattao - have declared, Tam Jaha - as follows: