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## The Fifth Stage
**With Hindi Commentary**
**Verse 10:**
When the **mohaniya karma** (karma that binds to the world) is destroyed in the pure **pratima** (vow), the **sushmahitha** (perfectly concentrated) soul sees all **loka** (worlds) and **aloka** (non-worlds).
**Word by Word Meaning:**
* **Padimae** - in the **pratima**
* **Pratijna ke visuddhae** - in the pure vow
* **Mohanija** - **mohaniya karma**
* **Khayam gayam** - destroyed
* **Sushmahiye** - perfectly concentrated
* **Ase-sam** - all
* **Loka** - worlds
* **Loka cha** - and
* **A-loka** - non-worlds
* **Paseti** - sees
When the vow is purified and the **mohaniya karma** is destroyed, the perfectly concentrated soul sees all worlds and non-worlds.
This sutra describes the all-seeing vision that arises from the destruction of **mohaniya karma**. For example, a muni who has perfectly followed the twelve vows of a sadhu, including the monthly vows, and who has remained steadfast in their sadhu attire and all their rules, or who has diligently practiced the five great vows, will have completely destroyed their **mohaniya karma**. This will lead them to a state of **charitra-samadhi** (concentration through conduct), allowing them to see all worlds and non-worlds. The emergence of **mohaniya karma** hinders the ability to see everything. When it is completely destroyed, the soul will inevitably become all-seeing. However, it is important to remember that to become all-seeing, one must diligently follow the twelve vows of a sadhu and the five great vows with pure determination.
**Verse 11:**
Just as the base of a tree falls when pierced by a needle on the head, so too, when **mohaniya karma** is destroyed, the remaining karma is destroyed.
**Word by Word Meaning:**
* **Jaha** - just as
* **Matthay** - on the head
* **Su-iye** - by a needle
* **Hantae** - pierced
* **Hamm-ai** - falls
* **Tala** - base of the tree
* **Evam** - so too
* **Kammani** - karma
* **Hamm-anti** - are destroyed
* **Mohanije** - **mohaniya karma**
* **Khayam gaye** - destroyed
Just as the base of a tree falls when pierced by a needle on the head, so too, when **mohaniya karma** is destroyed, the remaining karma is destroyed.