Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra
Fifth Dasha
Mulaartha- Just as a palm tree falls down when cut with a sharp weapon at the top, in the same way, all the remaining karmas are destroyed when the mohaniya karma is destroyed.
Tika- This sutra states that all the remaining karmas are destroyed when one mohaniya karma is destroyed. Illustrating the subject with an analogy, the sutrakar says that just as a palm tree is completely destroyed by being cut with a sharp weapon like a needle at the top, in the same way, the remaining karmas like jnanaavaraneya and antaraya, etc., are destroyed when the primary mohaniya karma is destroyed.
If one wants to interpret the first part of the shloka as meaning that the palm tree loses its treehood when its leaves are cut like needles, it does not seem right. The only thing to be shown is that the palm tree is destroyed when its main part is cut with a weapon, etc., only then can the analogy be valid.
Just as all the remaining limbs, soul and life-breath become void when the head of a human being is cut off, and the whole tree falls down when the root of the tree is cut off, in the same way, all the remaining karmas are destroyed immediately when the mohaniya (ignorance) karma is destroyed. The word "suchi" here refers to a sharp weapon like a needle.
The sutrakar again describes the same subject:
Senavati mi nihate jaha sena panassati. Evam kammani nassanti mohanijje khayam gaye. || 12 ||
Senapatou nihate yatha sena pranasyati. Evam karmani nasyanti mohaniye kshayam gate. || 12 ||
Padarthanvaya- Jaha- like Senavati mi- when the commander is nihate- killed, Sena- the army panassati- is destroyed, evam- in the same way, mohanijje- when the mohaniya karma is khayam gaye- destroyed, kammani- the remaining karmas nassanti- are destroyed.