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## Second Chapter
With Hindi Commentary.
In some two written copies, the following text variations are also seen:
"Outtiae Mool-Bhoyanam wa, Pawal-Bhoyanam wa, Patt-Bhoyanam wa, Pupf-Bhoyanam wa, Fal-Bhoyanam wa, Biy-Bhoyanam wa, Taya-Bhoyanam wa, Hariy-Bhoyanam wa, Kand-Bhoyanam wa, Rrudhay-Bhoyanam wa, Bhumjamane Sabale" || 18 ||
In Samavayaanga Sutra, the following text is present:
"Outtiae Mool-Bhoyanam wa, Kand-Bhoyanam wa, Taya-Bhoyanam, Pawal-Bhoyanam, Pupf-Bhoyanam, Hariy-Bhoyanam wa, Bhumjamane Sabale" || 18 ||
But the meaning of all these Sutras is the same. That is, one should not eat with a mind and without awareness.
Now the Sutrakar speaks about the protection of water-bodied beings:
Anto Sanvatcharass Das Dag-Leve Karemane Sabale || 16 ||
Antah Samvatsarasya Dasodakalepaan Kurvan Shabala || 16 ||
Paddarthanvaya - Sambatcharass - within one year, Anto - within, Das Dag - ten water, Leve - application, Karemane - doing, Sabale - Shabala dosha occurs.
Mool-arth - Within one year, applying ten water applications leads to Shabala dosha.
Teeka - In this Sutra, the subject of the previously mentioned ninth Sutra is again clarified.
For example, in the ninth Sutra, it was described that taking a dip in water bodies three times within a month leads to Shabala dosha. It automatically comes to mind that taking a dip in water once or twice does not lead to Shabala dosha or the transgression of the Lord's command.
From this statement, some crooked and dull-minded people should not think that taking a dip in water three times in a month leads to Shabala dosha, and if done twice, it does not. Therefore, there is no objection to taking a dip in rivers and other water bodies 24 times within a year. Keeping in mind the argument of those disciples, this Sutra states that...