29. Those demon gods (yamapurush) who laugh at the hellish beings running away hither and thither and have no compassion for them. They forcibly catch them, open their mouth with iron rod and put boiling melted lead in it. The hellish beings weep bitterly and cry vigorously when their mouth burns with melted lead. They cry like a pigeon seeking mercy. They weep bitterly, bemoan and cry.
The guardians of hell stop them, chain them and than the hellish beings weep bitterly, cry, grumble and then the guardians of hell threaten them with hard words in a loud voice. They say, “Catch him, beat him, hit him, pierce him, cut him, pull out his skin, take out his eyes, cut him into small pieces, kill him, beat him again more severely. Put extremely hot lead in his mouth. Throw him down with great force. Put more lead in his mouth, pull him, pull him facing the ground.
Later the guardians of hell tell them while threatening, "Why don't you speak ? You recollect your sins, your bad deeds.' Thus there occurs a dreadful reaction of the extremely dreadful voice of guardians of hell. Such a sound creates such a fear in hellish beings as if there is a great disturbing sound in a city at the time of dreadful fire. Thus one hears continuously bemoaning sound of the hellish beings suffering tortures. नारकों की विविध पीड़ाएं VARIOUS TORTURES OF INFERNAL BEINGS
३०. [प्र. ] किं ते ?
[उ. ] असिवण-दभवण-जंतपत्थर-सूइतल-क्खार-वावि-कलकलंत-वेयरणि-कलंबबालुया-जलियगुह-णिरंभण-उसिणोसिण-कंटइल्ल-दुग्गम-रहजोयण-तत्तलोहमग्गगमण-वाहणाणि।
३०. (नारक जीवों की यातनाएँ इतनी ही नहीं हैं।) [ प्रश्न ] वे यातनाएँ कैसी हैं ?
[उ. ] नारकों को असि-वन में अर्थात् तलवार की तीक्ष्ण धार के समान पत्तों वाले वृक्षों के वन में चलने को बाध्य किया जाता है, तीखी नोंक वाले दर्भ (घास) के वन में चलाया जाता है, उन्हें कोल्हू में डालकर (तिलों की तरह) पेरा जाता है, सुई की नोंक के समान अतीव तीक्ष्ण कण्टकों के सदृश स्पर्श वाली भूमि पर चलाया जाता है, क्षारयुक्त पानी वाली बावड़ी में पटक दिया जाता है, उबलते हुए सीसे आदि से भरी वैतरणी नदी में बहाया जाता है, कदम्ब पुष्प के समान तपकर अत्यन्त उष्ण एवं कण्टकाकीर्ण-विषम-ऊबड़-खाबड़ मार्ग में रथ में (बैलों की तरह) जोतकर चलाया जाता है, तपे हुए लोह से उष्ण मार्ग में चलाया जाता है और भारी भार उठवाया जाता है।
30. (Q.) (The tortures in hell are not just the said ones) Of what type are those tortures?
(Ans.] The hellish beings are compelled to move in the forest that is full of trees having leaves sharper than the sharp edge of a sword. They
१, प्रथम अध्ययन : हिंसा आश्रव
Sh.1, First Chapter: Violence Aasrava
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