Some special words denote as under
Khantikhame-A monk patiently bears bad situations, troubles and 1 tribulations such as thrashing, bondage or even killing, not because of ¥ his incapability or helplessness. Due to his conduct of benevolence, he
endures such situations considering them as occasions for special destruction of Karmas.
Chhhhinnaganthe-One who destroyes the knot of fondness in his mind or the knot of passions leading to extreme bondage. The
commentator has used the word 'Chhinn Soye' instead of 'Chinnaganthe' 4 in the aphorism. It means free from dejection, one who is not sad under 1 any circumstances. Another interpretation is one who has stopped all the
sources (Shrot). The source of river is from where it flows and the source 5 of the worldly ocean of re-birth and death is polluted feelings and mundane behaviour.
Nirupalap-It means free from covering of Karma. Saints are not i completely free from Karma cover. Only Siddhas (Souls who have 4 attained complete liberation) are in such state. Why then the word
‘nirupalep' has been used for monks ? The reply to this is that such a
monk shall certainly attain liberation in future so the future state has 4 been depicted. ॐ निम्रन्थों की ३१ उपमायें THIRTY ONE ILLUSTRATIVE COMPARISONS OF MONKS
१६३. सुविमलवरकंसभायणं व मुक्कतोए। संखे विव णिरंजणे, विगयरागदोसमोहे। कुम्मो विव इंदिएसु गुत्ते। जच्चकंचणगं व जायसवे। पोक्खरपत्तं व णिरुवलेवे। चंदो विव सोमभावयाए। सूरो ब्व के दित्ततेए। अचले जह मंदरे गिरिवरे। अक्खोभे सागरो ब्व थिमिए। पुढवी व्व सवफाससहे। तवसा च्चिय ॐ भासरासि-छण्णिव्व जायतेए। जलियहुयासणे विव तेयसा जलंते। गोसीसं चंदणं विव सीयले सुगंधे य।
हरयो विव समियभावे। उग्घसियसुणिम्मलं व आयंसमंडलतलं पागडभावेण सुद्धभावे। सोंडीरे कुंजरोव्व। वसभेव्व जायथामे। सीहेव्व जहा मियाहिवे होइ दुप्पधरिसे। सारयसलिलं व सुद्धहियए। भारंडे चेव अप्पमत्ते।
खग्गिविसाणं व एगजाए। खाणुं चेव उड्डकाए। सुण्णागारेव्व अपडिकम्मे। सुण्णागारावणस्संतो फणिवायसरणप्पदीवज्झाणमिव णिप्पकंपे। जहा खुरो चेव एगधारे। जहा अही चेव एगदिट्ठी। आगासं चेव
णिरालंबे। विहगे विव सब्बओ विप्पमुक्के। कयपरणिलए जहा चेव उरए। अप्पडिबद्धे अणिलोव्व। जीवो व्व + अपडिहयगई।
१६३. (निर्गन्थ श्रमण की महानताओं को आगे कही जाने वाली उपमाओं से उपमित किया है-) ।
| श्रु.२, पंचम अध्ययन : परिग्रहत्याग संवर
Sh.2, Fifth Chapter: Discar... Samvar
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