\ many difficulties in practicing it. But he endures them in a state of
equanimity with his own free will and without having even the slightest dejection in his mind. It is really very difficult. So it is totally proper to term it as a major vow.
There are three synonyms of Asteya - 1. Achorya (non-stealing), 2. Adattadan Viraman (abstain from taking what is not given) and 3. Dattanujnata (taking what is given).
This vow generates many virtues. Its practice is beneficial in this world and also in the next life. So it is also called Gunavrat. As it is
associated with all other vows it touches their perfection. This is because $ Ahimsa, truth, celibacy and non-possession can be observed only when $ the attitude of non-stealing is embraced through mind, speech and body.
The mind is full of unlimited wants and desires. The practice of this vow subdues that polluted mind. One may not spend all what he has got; such a feeling is called want (trishna). The strong lust to have that which one has not get is called intense desire (Mahechchha).
The author has used the adjectives 'Susanjamiya-nun-hathpayanihuyam'. It means that if the mind is properly controlled and totally subdued, then the activity of hands and feet stops itself. Hands and feet do not move in that direction which is not followed by the mind. 4 So the practitioner of spirituality should first of all try to bring his mind in self-restraint. By doing so, the speech and the body shall be controlled automatically.
१३०. जत्थ य गामागर-णगर-णिगम-खेड-कब्बड-मडंब-दोणमुह-संबाह-पट्टणासमगयं च : ॐ किंचि दव्वं मणि-मुत्त-सिलप्पवाल-कंस-दूस-रयय-वरकणग-रयणमाइं पडियं पम्हुढं विप्पणटुं, ण
कप्पइ कस्सइ कहेउं वा गिहिउं वा अहिरण्णसुवण्ण्येिण समलेठुकंचणेणं अपरिग्गहसंबुडेणं लोगम्मि विहरियव्वं।
१३०. जिसमें (अदत्तादानविरमण व्रत में) गाँव, खान, नगर, निगम, खेट, कर्बट, मडंब, ॐ द्रोणमुख, संबाध, पट्टन अथवा आश्रम (अथवा इनके अतिरिक्त किसी अन्य स्थान) में पड़ी हुई, उत्तम
मणि, मोती, शिला, मूंगा, काँसा, वस्त्र, चाँदी, सोना, रत्न आदि कोई भी वस्तु गिरी हो, कोई उसे भूल ॐ गया हो, खोई हुई हो तो (उसके विषय में) किसी को कहना अथवा स्वयं उठा लेना नहीं कल्पता है। है क्योंकि साधु को चांदी-सोने का त्यागी होकर, पाषाण और स्वर्ण में समभाव रखकर, परिग्रह से सर्वथा
रहित और सभी इन्द्रियों से संवृत्त-संयत होकर ही लोक में विचरना चाहिए।
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Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
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