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i Purimardhik-Those who go for collection of alms only after two quarters of the day have passed.
Ekasanik-Those who take food only once in a day (always do ekasana).
Nirvikritiki-Those who accept food free from butter, milk, curd and the like.
Bhinnapindpatik-Those who accept food, which is scattered in the pot. i Parimitapindapatik-Those who decide about number of houses and areas of food before going out for collection.
Arasahari–Those who accept food free from such elements that i makes it tasty.
Virasahari—Those who accept food prepared from old grain and thus tasteless.
Upashantajivi—Those who remain in a state of equanimity whether they get alms or not.
Pratimasthayik-Those who have accepted special vows of a monk į such as lasting for one months or so in a particularly defined manner.
Sthanotkatik-Those who sit at a place as a person sits while milking a cow.
Virasanik-Those who sit as one sits in a chair but there is no chair. Naishayik-Those who sit firmly in a particular posture. Dandayatik-Those who lie down straight like a stick.
Lagandashayik-Those who sleep keeping only the heels and head to touching the ground and not any other part of the body.
Ekaparshavik—Those who sleep only on one side.
Atapik-Those who bask in the sun in summer and tolerate cold in winter.
Apravritik-Those who train themselves in bearing heat, cold, mosquito, lute and suchlike troubles.
Anishthivik-Those who never spit.
Akanduyak-Those who do not scratch their body even at the time of itching
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श्रु.२, प्रथम अध्ययन : अहिंसा संवर
( 273 ) Sh.2, First Chapter : Non Violence Samvar 555555555555555555555555555555555555
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