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4641 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 45 46 47 45 45 4 just as a germinated seed. Further, it took the shape of an egg. For a
year, it remained in the form of an egg. Thereafter that egg burst into $ two pieces--one part became that of silver and the other part bacome 41
that of gold. The earth was formed from the silver external part of the 55 egg and the higher world (the heavenly abode) was formed from the gold part of the egg. From the gross inner material in the egg, the mountains
were formed and from the subtle matter the clouds and rain evolved. The 41 nerves turned into rivers and the ocean was formed from the water in
the urinary portion of the egg. The fetus which grew from the egg became the sun.
This is the description of creation from the egg independently.
The second description of creation of the world from the egg is in Manu Smriti which is also almost similar as the first instance. For instance
At first the world was in the form of darkness. It was totally unknown, beyond any reason or thinking and completely asleep.
Then Lord Svayambhu who was till then invisible, appeared along with five elements (Bhutas).
With a desire to form various types of Jivas from his body, he first of all created water and put a seed in it. That seed took the shape of a golden egg shining like the sun. From it Brahma, the grandfather of the universe, appeared himself. He remained in that egg for a year and then with his thought-activity split that egg into two pieces. From the said two pieces, he created heaven and the earth. From the central portion he created space, eight directions and eternal place for water.
Thus, according to it, first of all Lord Swayambhu appeared and then with a desire to create the universe, he produced water from his body. Later when seed was put in it, it took the shape of an egg. Brahma (God) or Narayan appeared in it and then broke the egg. From it the entire Universe was created.
All these beliefs are termed here as concepts of falsehood. Parafa any gfe-Hof IT BELIEF OF CREATION BY PRAJAPATI
४९. पयावइणा इस्सरेण य कयं ति केई। एवं विण्हुमयं कसिणमेव य जगं ति केइ। एवमेगे वयंति मोसं एगे आया अकारओ वेदओ य सुकयस्स दुक्कयस्स य करणाणि कारणाणि सव्वहा सव्वहिं च णिच्चो य पिक्किओ णिग्गुणो य अणुवलेवओ त्ति विय एवमाहंसु असल्भावं।
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श्री प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र
( 92 )
Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
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