Shunyavad is unreal, than also it should be understood that it has ended. Thus Shunyavad does not stand the test of reason. It is against the practical experience also.
Nastikavad-(Philosophy of disbelief in existence of soul) after describing Shunyavad, the philosophy of those who do not believe in existence of soul has been narrated. They believe that Jiva or soul has no independent existence. Whatever is there, it is five elements. Earth, water, fire, air and space are the said five elements with the mixture of these elements, the body is formed. Consciousness also is the product of these elements. Awakening generates from the five elements transformed in the form of physical body and is destroyed with the destruction of the body. Just as a bubble of water generates from water and ends in the water itself and has no independent existence, similarly consciousness (soul) has no existence independent from the five elements.
When the soul has no independent existence, the theory of existence of the next world is reasonless. So, after death, Jiva does not take birth again and there is no existence of piety (punya) and sins (paap). There is no fruit of good and bad deeds and nobody has to bear any such fruit.
Regarding this belief of disbelievers in the existence of soul (Nastikavadis), the commentator states as follows
Even by practical experience, we see that this belief is irrational. Agams and logic also hold it untrue.
It is accepted beyond doubt that the traits, which are formed in any work exist in its cause. It is never true that the qualities, which are not present in the cause, all of a sudden appear in the work resulting from that cause. To prepare sweets, sugar and the like are needed. Sweets cannot be prepared by using ash or dust instead of sugar.
In case the belief of generation of soul from five elements is considered on the basis of this principle, it shall be quite evident, that the said theory does not hold good. We should ask Nastikavadis whether consciousness already exists or not in five elements that according to them generate soul (consciousness). In case the consciousness is not in them, they cannot produce consciousness because only those qualities, which are in the cause can be in the result. If the seed does not possess the capability of generating, it cannot produce any crop.
श्रु. १, द्वितीय अध्ययन मृषावाद आश्रव
Jain Education International
(87) Sh.1, Second Chapter: Falsehood Aasrava
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