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Sadharan Sharir-When infinite souls are in one body, they are 4 called Sadharan Shariri. They are also called Nigod-kaya Jivas. Subtle
Nigod Kaya Jiva are in the entire space. Gross Nigod Jiva are vegetables growing under the ground namely Kand-mool.
In the worldly space there are innumerable number of tiny balls (round tiny drop like things). Each such ball has innumerable nigod. 4. Each nigod has infinite number of Jiva.
About Sadharan Sharir Jiva, it is said that in one body there are infinite number of Jiva. But all of them combinedly have just one body. When they have one physical body, they take food and breath
simultaneously. But each of them has a separate electric body and 卐 separate Karmic body.
४१. कुद्दाल-कुलिय-दालण-सलिल-मलण-खुंभण-रुंभण-अणलाणिल-विविहसत्थघट्टणपरोप्पराभिहणण-मारणविराहणाणि य अकामकाई परप्पओगोदीरणाहि य कज्जप्पओयणेहिं य
पेस्सपसुणिमित्तं ओसहाहारमाइएहिं उक्खणण उक्कत्थण-पयण-कुट्टण-पीसण-पिट्टण-भज्जणम गालण-आमोडण-सडण-फुडण-भंजण-छेयण-तच्छण-विलुंचण-पत्तज्झोडण-अग्गिदहणाइयाई, एवं
ते भवपरंपरादुक्ख-समणुबद्धा अडंति संसारबीहणकरे जीवा पाणाइवायणिरया अणंतकालं। म ४१. कुदाल (कुल्हाड़ी) और हल से पृथ्वी का विदारण करना, जल का मथना और रोकना, अग्नि
तथा वायु का विविध प्रकार के शस्त्रों से टकराना, पारस्परिक आघातों से एक-दूसरे को पीड़ा ॐ पहुँचाना, मारना, शरीरादि प्रवृत्ति से उत्पन्न होने वाली विराधना की व्यथा सहन करना, नौकर-चाकरों फ + तथा गाय-भैंस-बैल आदि पशुओं की दवा और आहार आदि के लिए जड़ से खोदना, छानना, मोड़ना,
सड जाना, स्वयं ट जाना. मसलना-कचलना. छेदन करना, छीलना, रोमों का उखाडना, पत्ते आदि ॐ तोड़ना, अग्नि से जलाना, इस प्रकार भव-परम्परा में दुःखों से घिरे वे पापी जीव भीषण संसार में अनन्त काल तक परिभ्रमण करते रहते हैं।
41. The violent human beings dig the earth with an axe or a plough. They churn and stop the flowing water. They strike fire and air with 5weapons of various types. They cause hurt by striking them. They bear
the suffering, resulting from the physical activities against prescribed code. They cut the plants from the very root for the food and medicine of
their servants, employees, cows, buffaloes, bullocks and the like. They 45 bend these plants, rot them and pass the powder through a sieve. Some 41 plants break themselves. They crush them, pierce them, pull out their
skin and pores. They pluck the leaves and burn them. Thus they pass through sufferings of birth again and again in this dreadful word for an infinite period.
श्री प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र
Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
Jain Education International
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