ki building and bridge construction besides other things. (4) Purohit
ratna--his duties include supervising auspicious rituals as well as calculating auspicious moments for various activities including going to war. (5) Stree ratna-She is the most beautiful lady in the large harem of the Chakravarti and chief among queens. (6) Ashva ratna-The best
among horses in the Chakravarti's stable and personally used by him for 9 traveling as well as war. (7) Hasti ratna-The best among elephants ॥
and used by the Chakravarti for a ride on every auspicious occasion. (8) Chakra ratna-The best among weapons and capable of subduing even unconquerable foes. (9) Chhatra ratna-Commonly used for protection from sun, wind and rain but on sudden raining it can expand, by mere touch of the Chakravarti, to cover 12 square Yojan area and protect a large cantonment. (10) Charmaratna-It has the capacity to produce ripe grains by noon from seeds sown in the morning under the aforesaid canopy with 12 Yojan area. (11) Dand ratna-This diamond hard staff has the capacity to crush opposing armies, level uneven land and establish peace everywhere. (12) Asi ratna- This can be used to give a tremendous and destructive blow. (13) Mani ratna-This triangular and six faceted bead provides light in the whole camp-site of the Chakravarti during the night while he is camping for a war or otherwise.
It is also used to cross the pitch dark Tamisra and Khandaprapat caves 4 in Vaitadhya mountain. When tied on the right side of an elephant's
head it lights the whole cave. (14) Kakani ratna-This is a unique cubical stone of eight Sauvarnik dimension. It is used to remove toxic effects of any and all poisons. (see Pravachanasaroddhar 2/212/1214-17)
दुःषमा-सुषमा-लक्षण पद DUKHAMA-SUKHAMA-LAKSHAN-PAD
(SEGMENT OF SIGNS OF DUKHAMA-SUKHAMA) ६९. सत्तर्हि ठाणेहिं ओगाढं दुस्समं जाणेज्जा, तं जहा-अकाले वरिसइ, काले ण वरिसइ, ॐ असाधू पुजंति, साधू ण पुजंति, गुरूहि जणो मिच्छं पडिवण्णो, मणोदुहता, वइदुहता।
७०. सत्तहिं ठाणेहिं ओगाढं सुसमं जाणेज्जा, तं जहा-अकाले ण वरिसइ, काले वरिसइ, असाधूक ण पुजंति, साधू पुजंति, गुरुहिं जणो सम्मं पडिवण्णो, मणोसुहता, वइसुहता।
६९. सात लक्षणों से दुःषमा काल का आना या प्रकर्ष जाना जाता है-(१) अकाल में वर्षा होने से। म (२) समय पर वर्षा न होने से। (३) असाधुओं की पूजा होने से। (४) साधुओं की पूजा न होने से।
(५) गुरुजनों के प्रति लोगों का असद् व्यवहार होने से। (६) अकारण ही मन में दुःख या उद्वेग होने से। 卐 (७) वचन-व्यवहार सम्बन्धी दुःख से। ७०. सात लक्षणों से सुषमा काल का आना या प्रकर्ष जाना
स्थानांगसूत्र (२)
Sthaananga Sutra (2)
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