卐5555555555555555)) )) ))) ))) )) ))))) ) (prudence with regard to anger) is one. 115. [Maan vivek (prudence with regard to conceit) is one. 116. Maya vivek (prudence with regard to deceit) is one. 117. Lobha vivek (prudence with regard to greed) is one. 118. Preyas or raag vivek (prudence with regard to attachment is one. 119. Dvesh vivek (prudence with regard to aversion inspired by suppressed anger and conceit) is one. 120. Kalah vivek (prudence with regard to dispute) is one. 121. Abhyakhyan vivek (prudence with regard to blaming falsely) is one. 122. Paishunya vivek (prudence with regard to inculpating someone) is one. 123. Paraparivad vivek (prudence with regard to slandering) is one. 124. Arati-rati vivek (prudence with regard to inclination towards indiscipline and against discipline) is one. 125. Mayamrisha vivek (prudence with regard to betraying or telling a lie deceptively) is one.) 126. Mithyadarshan shalya vivek (prudence with regard to the thorn of wrong belief or unrighteousness) is one.
विवेचन-प्राणातिपात आदि पाप-स्थानों के सेवन में तथा विरमण/त्याग में भावों की तरतमता रहती है, उस अपेक्षा इनके अनेक भेद होते हैं, किन्तु पापरूप कार्य की समानता की अपेक्षा उन्हें एक कहा गया है। 'विरमण' और 'विवेक' शब्द यद्यपि समानार्थक हैं, फिर भी इनके प्रयोग में कुछ अन्तर है। विरमण का अर्थ है प्रवृत्ति का त्याग। विवेक का अर्थ है पृथक्करण। विरमण के पालन में विवेक अपेक्षित है तथा विवेकपूर्वक ही विरमण किया जाता है। अतः दोनों एक-दूसरे से सम्बद्ध भी हैं।
Elaboration-There is variation in the intensity of feelings in indulgence in and abstaining from each of the said demerits including the act of killing. Thus in that context there may be many kinds of each of these demerits. But as they all are acts of sin they are classified here as one. Viraman and vivek appear to have been used as synonyms but there is a subtle difference in there use. Viraman means abstainment from indulgence in a specific act. Vivek means discernment with regard to a specific act. Discerning attitude is required for observing abstainment; in fact abstainment comes into effect only with discerning attitude. Thus the two terms are complementary as well. अवसर्पिणी उत्सर्पिणी-पद AVASARPINI UTSARPINI-PAD
(SEGMENT OF DESCENDING AND ASCENDING CYCLES OF TIME) १२७. एगा ओसप्पिणी। १२८. एगा सुसम-सुसमा जाव। १२९.[एगा सुसमा। १३०. एगा सुसम-दूसमा। १३१. एगा दूसम-सुसमा।१३२. एगा दूसमा।] १३३. एगा दूसम-दूसमा।
१३४. एगा उस्सप्पिणी।१३५. एगा दुस्सम-दुस्समा जाव। १३६.[एगा दुस्समा। १३७. एगा दुस्सम-सुसमा। १३८. एगा सुसम-दुस्समा। १३९. एगा सुसमा।] १४०. एगा सुसम-सुसमा।
प्रथम स्थान
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