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(d) Looshak hetu-a hetu that helps recover from the beguiled state caused by a vyansak hetu. In other words to beguile the opponent with the trick he used to beguile you is called looshak hetu. Example
The defrauded cart-owner met a lawyer and told him the whole story. As advised by the lawyer he took along some influential townsmen and went to the swindler's house. He demanded"Give me the tarpanlodika." The swindler asked his wife-"Mix some gram flour in water
and give it to him." When that woman started mixing the flour in water 4 the cart-owner held her hand and wanted to take her away. The swindler
objected—"What are you doing ?" The cart-owner said "Now this woman belongs to me because the woman who mixes flour in water for gratifying (tarpan) is called tarpan-lodika. You have promised to give me tarpan-lodika in exchange of my shakat-tittiri." The swindler realized he had lost and returned the cart. The cart-owner was swindled with the word shakat-tittiri and the swindler was swindled with the word tarpanlodika. Therefore the word used by the cart-owner is looshak hetu.
Although greater details about this subject are available in the works 5 of logic, philosophers have also ventured in serious discussions on this.
There is also a mention of four limbs of hetu praman in another context
(a) Affirmative as affirmative. Example-As there is smoke in the mountain there is fire. (b) Negative as affirmative. Example-As the touch here is not cold, there is fire. (c) Affirmative as negative. Example--As the touch here is cold, there is no fire. (d) Negative as negative. Example-As there are no trees here, there is no rosewood.
(Hindi Tika, First Part, pp. 1001-1012) Si B -T SANKHYAN-PAD (SEGMENT OF MATHEMATICS)
404. asiat hent Jouet, i 06-9f205, Jarn, pan, rent
404. FGAN (ora) ER UCAR CAT ETAT -(9) 744-en-uile, arat, Tum, in ॐ आदि गणित। (२) व्यवहार-संख्यान-लघुतम, महत्तम, भिन्न, मिश्र आदि गणित। (३) रज्जु-संख्यान
राजुरूप क्षेत्रगणित। (४) राशि-संख्यान-त्रैराशिक, पंचराशिक आदि गणित। $ 505. Sankhyan (mathematics) is of four kinds—(1) Parikarma$ sankhyan-addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc.
(2) Vyavahar-sankhyan--lowest common multiple, highest common
factor, factors, compounds etc. (3) Rajju-sankhyan-lines and areas " (geometry). (4) Rashi-sankhyan-squares, cubes, logarithms etc.
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Fourth Sthaan
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