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4 The literal meaning of hetu is—that which helps acquire knowledge
about the object is called hetu. In other words—that which has incontrovertible relationship with the concept to be proved is called hetu. It has four limbs
(a) Yapak hetu-a hetu that consumes time (kaal yapak) of the opponent. A kaal yapak hetu essentially has numerous adjectives. It is not easy and requires time to comprehend. It may also be called captious controversy.
(b) Sthapak hetu-a hetu that quickly refutes the other doctrine and establishes own doctrine. In the statement-"Where there is smoke, there is fire." The cause 'smoke' quickly establishes the presence of fire, hence smoke is sthapak hetu.
A cunning parivrajak started preaching in every village and town he visited—"Charity given at the center of the Lok is highly beneficial. Only I know this secret that this is the center of the Lok." In order to break the blind faith in him a wise person refuted him,"O Parivrajak ! The center of Lok is only one. How is it possible that every village and town has a center of Lok ? Therefore your statement is self-contradictory and
your claim about center of Lok is wrong." Thus his wrong was soon i revealed by his own statement.
(c) Vyansak hetu-a deceptive hetu that beguiles an opponent. Example-A bullock cart-owner was going to some other village with his cart filled with grain. On the way he picked a dead tittiri (partridge) and put it in the cart. On the way he stopped in a town. There a swindler asked him-"How much do you want for this shakat-tittiri (partridge in cart)” ? The cart-owner thought that the man was asking about the tittiri
lying in the shakat (cart). He offered "I will sell it in return of tarpan 4 lodika (gram flour soup)." The swindler at once prepared to drive away
the cart with the tittiri. The cart-owner objected—"What are you doing? This cart belongs to me." The swindler said, "You agreed yourself just
now to sell this shakat and tittiri in exchange of tarpan-lodika. I will give $i you tarpan-lodika in exchange of this shakat with tittiri I take from you.
If you have any doubt you may ask these people standing around.” When the cart-owner asked, the onlookers confirmed that the swindler had purchased the shakat with tittiri. The cart owner got worried. To thus confuse the cart-owner is vyansak hetu.
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