The disturbances in the space are related to Soma. Yama is responsible 卐 for diseases, wars, epidemics etc. Heavy rains, no rains, sea-storms, floods !
and other natural calamities are related to Varun, that is the reason he is called the water-god. Good crops, famine, mines of gold and gems, wealth etc. are related to Vaishraman who is also called Kuber, the god of wealth. The lok-paals of the four cardinal directions keep their Indras informed of the activities in the land of humans. (for more details about lok-paals refer to Bhagavati Sutra, chapter 7 and Hindi Tika, p. 720)
१२३. चउब्विहा वाउकुमारा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-काले, महाकाले, वेलंबे, पभंजणे।
१२३. वायुकुमार चार प्रकार के हैं-(१) काल, (२) महाकाल, (३) वेलम्ब, (४) प्रभंजन। (ये चार पाताल कलशों के स्वामी हैं)।
123. Vayukumars (a kind of gods) are of four kinds-(1) Kaal, (2) Mahakaal, (3) Velamb, and (4) Prabhanjan. [These are overlords of 41 4 four Patal Kulashas (four abodes in the Lavan Samudra in four ! directions)].
१२४. चउबिहा देवा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-भवणवासी, वाणमंतरा, जोइसिया, विमाणवासी।
१२४. देव चार प्रकार के हैं-(१) भवनवासी, (२) वाणव्यन्तर, (३) ज्योतिष्क, (४) विमानवासी।
124. Devas are of four kinds—(1) Bhavan-vasi (abode dwelling), (2) Vanavyantar (interstitial), (3) Jyotishk (stellar) and (4) Vimaan-vasi - (celestial vehicle dwelling) gods.
विवेचन-(१) भवनवासी-अधोलोकवर्ती भवनों में रहने वाले भवनपति, (२) वाणयन्तर-तिर्यक्लोक स्थित वनों, वृक्षों, गिरिकन्दराओं में रहने वाले भूत, पिशाच आदि, (३) ज्योतिष्क-अन्तरिक्ष में घूमने ॐ वाले सूर्य, चन्द्र, ग्रह, नक्षत्र और तारा, (४) विमानवासी-ऊर्ध्वलोकवर्ती सौधर्मकल्प आदि बारह कल्पों ऊ में रहने वाले।
Elaboration-(1) Bhavan-vasi (abode dwelling)-live in abodes in lower world. (2) Vanavyantar (interstitial)—the Bhoots, Pishachas
and other lower gods living in forests, trees, inountains, caves etc. 卐 (3) Jyotishk (stellar)-orbiting in the sky, such as suns, moons, planets,
constellations, stars etc. (4) Vimaan-vasi (celestial vehicle dwelling) living in the twelve upper worlds (kalps or heavens) including Saudharma Kalp. प्रमाण-पद PRAMAN-PAD
(SEGMENT OF STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT) . १२५. चउबिहे पमाणे पण्णत्ते, तं जहा-दव्बप्पमाणे, खेत्तप्पमाणे, कालप्पमाणे, भावप्पमाणे।
स्थानांगसूत्र (१)
Sthaananga Sutra (1)
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