संख्या गुणस्थान की स्थिति
शुक्ल ध्यान तालिका
दशवाँ गुणस्थान
बारहवाँ गुणस्थान
१३ वें से १४वें गुण में प्रवेश करने से पूर्व कैवल्यदशा
१४वाँ गुणस्थान की अयोगी अवस्था
ध्यान का कालमान
केवलज्ञान की तरफ
Elaboration-The absolutely pure very sublime and supreme flow of thoughts is called shukladhyana. It is possible only in the absolutely detached state. When all the qualitative forms of mohaniya karma (deluding karma) are either pacified or extinct then only shukladhyana is possible.
There are four steps of shukladhyana. Shrutakevalis (scholars of fourteen subtle canons) are qualified for the first two steps, namely Prithaktvavitark-savichar and Ekatvavitark-avichar. In this kind of meditation the contemplation is based on the subtle entities and their modes. Therefore it is beyond a common scholar of the canon.
(1) Prithaktvavitark-savichar-When many modes of an entity are studied from various viewpoints and standpoints separately and based on the profound knowledge compiled in the scriptures; when the contemplation shifts from words to meanings and meanings to words; and the process of mutual indulgence and influence among mind, speech and body is employed, the process is called Prithaktvavitark-savichar. This is the first step of shukladhyana.
(2) Ekatvavitark-avichar-When a single mode of an entity is studied from singular viewpoint based on the profound knowledge compiled in the scriptures; when the contemplation does not shift from words to meanings and meanings to words; and the process of mutual indulgence and influence among mind, speech and body is not employed the process is called Ekatvavitark-avichar.
arget Fena
ध्यानावस्था में मृत्यु होने पर
अनुत्तर विमान मृत्यु नहीं होती
मृत्यु नहीं होती
मोक्ष - प्राप्ति
(3) Sukshmakriya-anivritti-When the association of soul with mind and speech is completely terminated, only association with the body remains in the form of subtle activities of the body, such as minimal breathing (sukshmakriya). Once this level is reached there is no scope of retraction (anivritti).
Jain Education International
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Fourth Sthaan