गगगगगगगगगग hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:
जाति से अशुद्ध, किन्तु शुद्ध शील- आचार वाला, और (४) कोई जाति से अशुद्ध और अशुद्ध शील- आचार वाला होता है।
३२. पुरुष चार प्रकार के होते हैं - (१) कोई पुरुष जाति से शुद्ध और शुद्ध व्यवहार वाला होता है, (२) कोई पुरुष जाति से तो शुद्ध, किन्तु अशुद्ध व्यवहार वाला होता है, (३) कोई पुरुष जाति से अशुद्ध, किन्तु शुद्ध व्यवहार वाला होता है, और (४) कोई पुरुष जाति से अशुद्ध और अशुद्ध व्यवहार फ वाला होता है।
३३. पुरुष चार प्रकार के होते हैं- (१) कोई पुरुष जाति से शुद्ध और शुद्ध पराक्रम वाला होता है, फ्र (२) कोई जाति से शुद्ध, किन्तु अशुद्ध पराक्रम वाला, (३) कोई जाति से अशुद्ध, किन्तु शुद्ध पराक्रम और (४) कोई जाति से अशुद्ध और अशुद्ध पराक्रम वाला होता है।
29. Men are of four kinds-(1) Some man is shuddha (pure) by caste and shuddha prajna (pure in wisdom) as well. (2) Some man is pure by caste but ashuddha prajna ( impure in wisdom ). ( 3 ) Some man is impure by caste but pure in wisdom. (4) Some man is impure by caste and in 5 wisdom as well.
30. Men are of four kinds-(1) Some man is shuddha (pure) by caste 5 and shuddha drishti (pure in perception / faith) as well. ( 2 ) Some man is pure by caste but ashuddha drishti (impure in perception/faith). (3) Some man is impure by caste but pure in perception / faith. ( 4 ) Some man is impure by caste and in perception/faith as well.
27. Men are of four kinds - ( 1 ) Some man is shuddha (pure) by caste 卐 and shuddha man (pure in mind) as well. (2) Some man is pure by caste but ashuddha man (impure in mind). (3) Some man is impure by caste 5 but pure in mind (4) Some man is impure by caste and in mind as well. 28. Men are of four kinds-(1) Some man is shuddha (pure) by caste and shuddha sankalp (pure in resolve) as well. ( 2 ) Some man is pure by caste but ashuddha sankalp (impure in resolve ). ( 3 ) Some man is impure by caste but pure in resolve. (4) Some man is impure by caste and in resolve as well.
चतुर्थ स्थान
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Jain Education International
Fourth Sthaan
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31. Men are of four kinds-(1) Some man is shuddha (pure) by caste and shuddha sheel-achaar (pure in character and conduct) as well. F ( 2 ) Some man is pure by caste but ashuddha sheel-achaar (impure in 卐 character and conduct). (3) Some man is impure by caste but pure in character and conduct. (4) Some man is impure by caste and in character and conduct as well.
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