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ऊ मासोपवास आदि प्रखर तपस्या करने वाला तपस्वी, रोगादि से पीड़ित साधु ग्लान और नव-दीक्षित
साधु शैक्ष कहलाता है। ये तीनों ही अनुकम्पा के पात्र होते हैं। जो उनके प्रतिकूल आचरण करता है, वह अनुकम्पा की अपेक्षा प्रत्यनीक होता है।
ज्ञान-दर्शन-चारित्रात्मक भाव कर्म-मुक्ति एवं आत्मिक सुख-शान्ति के कारण हैं, उनकी विपरीत प्ररूपणा करने वाला भाव-प्रत्यनीक है।
श्रुत (शास्त्राभ्यास) के तीन अंग हैं-सूत्र, उसका अर्थ तथा दोनों का समन्वित अभ्यास। इन तीनों के प्रतिकूल श्रुत की अवज्ञा करने वाला श्रुत-प्रत्यनीक होता है।
Elaboration-Pratyaneek means one who goes against or behaves fi contrary to the prescribed discipline or codes. Acharya is one who
initiates, Upadhyaya is one who teaches and Sthavir is almost like a guru as he is senior in terms of age, period of initiation, austerities and profundity of knowledge. One who goes against them, does not show proper modesty, criticizes them and finds faults is called guru-pratyaneek.
On who behaves contrary to the established social norms is ihalokapratyaneek. One who has evil conduct and not good and pious conduct conducive to a good next life is paraloka-pratyaneek.
A small group of ascetics or that consisting of disciples of just one $ acharya is called kula. A larger group consisting of disciple of three
acharyas following same codes is called gana. The mass of all ascetics
following the same codes is called sangh. To criticize or go against these 4 is to be a pratyaneek.
Hermits or those observing rigorous austerities, such as month long 4 fasting, are tapasvis. Ailing ascetics are called glan and newly initiated
ascetics are called shaiksh. They deserve sympathy and compassion. One
who ill-treats them or is antipathetic to them is pratyaneek (non4 conformist) with reference to anukampa (compassion). $ Attitude leading to right knowledge-perception/faith-conduct is
caused by inner bliss and tranquillity. One who preaches and goes 5 against this is bhaava-pratyaneek.
There are three parts of study of the canon--text, meaning and assimilation of the two. One who neglects this or goes against it is shrutpratyaneek.
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