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5 twenty two Tirthankurs and also in Mahavideh area it is lifelong $1 (yavatkathit).
This kalp (discipline of ascetic praxis) includes four essential codes 15 and six optional codes. The four essentials are(1) shayyatar-pind
parihar (austerity of not taking food from a house that provides facilities 4i for staying overnight), (2) chaturyaam-dharma palan (following the
religion of fourfold restraint), (3) purush-jyeshthatva (male seniority),
and (4) kritikarma (to offer homage and obeisance to seniors, gods and 4 Tirthankars in prescribed manner). The six optionals are
(1) achelakatva (garb renunciation or nakedness), (2) Auddeshikatva (non-acceptance of food meant for another ascetic), (3) Rajapind-agrahan
(non-acceptance of food from king's kitchen or state kitchen), (4) niyamit 45 pratikraman (doing critical review with strict regularity), (5) maas-kalp 5 vihar (not to stay at a place for more than a month), and (6) Paryushana 4 kalp (to follow monsoon stay codes and procedures).
(2) Chhedopasthapaniya kalpasthiti-It is applicable only during the 151 periods of influence of first and last Tirthankars.
(3) Nirvishamaan kalpasthiti-praxis discipline prescribed for the ascetics observing the special austerities of Parihar-vishuddhi kalp.
(4) Nirvisht kalpasthiti-complementary praxis discipline prescribed for the ascetics successfully concluding the special austerities of Parihar
vishuddhi kalp. (for detailed description refer to Illustrated Anuyoga Dvar 4Sutra, part 2, p. 309)
(5) Jina kalpasthiti-praxis discipline of accomplished ascetics who leave their group and organization to go in isolation for higher and more 4 rigorous practices.
(6) Sthavira kalpasthiti-praxis discipline of accomplished ascetics who observe higher and more rigorous practices remaining in the group under an acharya or other leader.
piro SHARIR-PAD (SEGMENT OF BODY) म ३६५. णेरइयाणं तओ सरीरगा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-वेउदिए, तेथए, कम्मए। ॐ ३६६. असुरकुमाराणं तओ सरीरगा पण्णत्ता, एवं चेव। ३६७. एवं सव्वेसिं देवाणं।
&c. goladaguri asit IT YOUTFIT, À JET-3irfers, arus, 368. Tiॐ वाउकाइयवज्जाणं जाव चउरिदियाणं।
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तृतीय स्थान
( 295 )
Third Sthoan
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