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555555555555555555555555555555555555 ॐ (४) किन्तु जो क्रिया रूप कर्म पूर्वकाल में नहीं किया है, किन्तु भोगने में आता है, अर्थात् जिसने कर्मक + नहीं किया, उसे भी फल रूप दुःख भोगना पड़ता है। जैसे कोई तपस्वी वर्षों से एकान्त में तप कर रहा है। - पापों से दूर है, परन्तु किसी शिकारी द्वारा छोड़ा गया बाण उसे लगता है और उसका प्राणान्त हो जाता है। के उसे यह प्राणान्त की वेदना रूप कर्म फल कृत कर्म को नहीं अपितु अकृत कर्म को भोगना पड़ा। उसी विषय ॥ 5 में हमारा प्रश्न है।
इस विषय में भगवान महावीर का स्पष्ट उत्तर है कि-आत्मा द्वारा किये जाने पर ही दुःख रूप फल : होता है। भले ही वह इस जन्म में नहीं किया हो, पूर्व जन्म कृत हो। जैसे भगवान महावीर ने पूर्वक जन्मोपार्जित कर्मों का फल भोगकर क्षय किया। (हिन्दी टीका, पृ. ४६६)
॥ द्वितीय उद्देशक समाप्त ॥ Elaboration-Explaining this aphorism Acharya Shri Atmamarm ji M. $ states that four alternatives of fruits of action have been mentioned i here. People from other schools ask
(1) We do not question suffering of fruits of karma entailing an action. This is because every one accepts that consequences of every performed fi action have to be suffered.
(2) We do not question absence of suffering of fruits of karma entailing an action. This is because if that karma is burnt through fi austerities it looses its power of fruition.
(3) We do not question absence of suffering of fruits of karma in absence of an action. This is because without action there is no suffering. F. (4) But suffering of fruits of karma in absence of an action is in 4
question here. A person suffers misery even when he is not involved in a consequence bearing action. For example a hermit is involved in solitary penance for many years. He is far away from any sinful activity but coincidentally he is struck by an arrow launched by a hunter and dies. He had to suffer the pain of death not as the fruit of karma entailing some action by him but as the fruit of karma not entailing any of his $ action. Our question is about this only.
About this Bhagavan explicitly states that fruits in the form of 5 misery are essentially as a consequence of some action by soul. It is F irrespective of whether that action was performed during this birth or
during the past birth. For example Bhagavan Mahavir shed the karmas acquired during past births by suffering the fruits during this birth. (Hindi Tika, p. 466)
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तृतीय स्थान
Third Sthaan
Jain Education International
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