(1) A person cannot recompense and get free of the obligations of his \ parents even if he does the following daily throughout his life-in the si $ morning he massages their bodies with shatapaak and sahasrapaak oils $1
(herbal and perfumed oils), rubs perfumed powders and helps them if taking bathe with perfumed cold and hot water. After this he adorns
them with a variety of ornaments and offers them pure and nourishing freshly cooked dishes with eighteen kinds of flavours. And then takes them around on his back or shoulders. “Long lived Shramans ! He can get free of their obligation only if he addresses them and explains them the true religion and its subtleties to establish them in the religion propagated by the Omniscient.
(2) Some rich person gives financial help to some poor person and ensures his development. As time passes the poor person becomes rich and affluent and the rich benefactor becomes poor. The benefactor approaches the newly made rich person to seek help. At that time even if the ex-poor gives all his wealth to his benefactor, he cannot fully recompense and get free of the obligation. He can get free of the obligation only if he explains his benefactor the true religion and its subtleties in order to establish him in the religion propagated by the Omniscient.
(3) A person listens to just a single pious word from a Shraman preceptor, remembers it at the time of his death and as a consequence reincarnates as a divine being. At any time if that god shifts his preceptor from drought stricken area to a well cultivated area, from a jungle to an inhabited place or cures him of some fatal disease even then he cannot get free of the obligation of the preceptor. He can get free of the obligation only if he explains his benefactor the true religion and its subtleties to re-establish him in the religion propagated by the Omniscient when the Shraman preceptor falls from grace.
विवेचन-अभयदेवसूरि ने शतपाक के चार अर्थ किये हैं-(१) सौ औषधियों के क्याथ से पकाया गया, (२) सौ औषधियों के साथ पकाया गया, (३) सौ बार पकाया गया, और (४) सौ रुपयों के मूल्य
से पकाया गया तैल। इसी प्रकार सहस्रपाक तैल के चार अर्थ किये हैं। स्थालीपाक का अर्थ है-हांडी, म कुंडी या वटलोई, भगौनी आदि में पकाया गया स्वादिष्ट भोजन। अठारह व्यंजनों से निष्पन्न का भाव है
कि विविध प्रकार के मसालों आदि से बना हुआ भोजन स्वादिष्ट, सुरुचिकर आरोग्यवर्धक, बलपुष्टिकारक होता है। (स्थानांग वृत्ति, पृष्ठ २००)
Elaboration-Abhayadev Suri has given four meanings of the term shatpaak (hundred cooking)-(1) cooked with broth of one hundred
Sthaananga Sutra (1)
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