8555555555555555555555555555555555555B ज तडाग (तडाक)-कृत्रिम पक्के जलाशय। ह्रद (द्रह)-महानदियों को जन्म देने वाली बड़ी-बड़ी झीलें,
uefach ॐ वातस्कन्ध-घनवात एवं तनुवात आदि वायु के स्कन्ध। अवकाशान्तर-घनवात आदि वातस्कन्धों के 卐
नीचे वाला खाली स्थान। वलय-रत्नप्रभा आदि पृथ्वियों के चारों ओर आठ योजन ऊपर की ओर उठा , * हुआ घनोदधि आदि का वेष्टन। विग्रह-लोकनाड़ी का घुमाव वाली गति का मध्य भाग। वेला-चन्द्रयोग से के समुद्र में उठने वाली उत्ताल तरंगें। वेदिका-जगती पर या अन्य दिव्य स्थानों में स्थित वैडूर्यमणिमय ॥ । पद्मवर-वेदिका आदि दिव्य स्थान।
Elaboration Villages, cities and other inhabited places have been classified as jiva in context of the humans and other beings living there. These same places have been classified as ajiva because they are made up of sand, rocks and other material things. The above listed terms have been explained in the Sanskrit Tika (commentary) as follows
Gram (village)-a small settlement of farmers. Nagar-city where no tax is levied. Nigam-important trade center or commercial city. Khet (kheda)-kraal or a settlement with boundary wall made of mud. Kunagar or Karbat-an old settlement devoid of civic facilities or a settlement on the slope of a hill.
Madamban isolated settlement or a borough. Dronmukh-a settlement connected with land route as well as water route; a hamlet. Pattan-(jala) harbour or port city; (sthala) dry harbour. Aakarsettlement near a mine; mineral trading center.
Ashram-pilgrimage center; hermitage. Samvah-settlement in a valley; hill-station. Sannivesh-temporary settlement or a camp site for caravans or armies. Ghoshwa settlement of cowherds. Aaraam--a picnic
spot having trees, creepers, green pavilions, flower beds, ponds etc. 4 Udyan-garden with flowering and fruit bearing plants and trees. Van4 a forest having one predominant species of trees. Vanakhand-a natural lush green area with a variety of trees, creepers etc.
Vaapi-a square masonry tank with steps. Pushkarini-a large pond filled with lotuses. Sar-deep pool having both underground and rain water sources. Sarapankti—a chain of small and large pools and ponds. Agad (koop)-small and large wells. Tadaag (talaab)-man made tanks and pools. Hrad (drah)-large natural lake from which rivers originate. Nadi-river. Prithvi-earth. Udadhi-sea..
Vaatskandh-layers of air or air pockets both of dense and rarefied air. Avakashantar-intervening space between two bodies or layers of air.
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