3555555555555555555555555555555555555 # सूत्र १८७. एकेन्द्रिय को छोड़कर शेष सभी जीवों में दोनों भेद पाये जाते हैं।
सूत्र १८९. एकेन्द्रिय और विकलेन्द्रिय जीव संख्यात वर्ष वाले, ज्योतिष्क एवं वैमानिक असंख्यात । वर्षायुष्क वाले होते हैं। शेष दोनों प्रकार के होते हैं। (आचार्य श्री आत्माराम जी म. कृत टीका, पृष्ठ १९४)
Elaboration-Ahar means intake, aharak is one who does that and Fanaharak is one who does not. There are three kinds of ahar-(1) oj-ahar
(energy intake), (2) loam-ahar (intake through body pores) and (3) kavalahar (intake of morsel). The initial intake at the time of conception of a being is called oj-ahar. Intake through body pores is called loamahar. These two intakes are applicable to all beings. The intake of food in morsels through mouth is called kaval-ahar. One sensed, divine and infernal beings do not do kaval-ahar. A being that undertakes any of these three kinds of intake is called aharak and one that does not do so y
is anaharak. Siddhas are anaharak. Amongst the worldly beings Ayogi ! Kevali (omniscient when, in the instant before death, all his activities
cease) and Kevali (omniscient) at the time of kevalisamudghat remain i anharak for three Samayas.
Those who take one or two turns during the process of reincarnation i with oblique movement remain anaharak for one or two Samayas.
Beings reincarnating from and to Tras Naadi (region of mobile beings) 4 remain anaharak for one or two Samayas. One sensed beings reincarnating in the Lok Naadi (occupied space beyond the region of mobile beings) remain anaharak for three Samayas. (For clarity refer to și illustration.)
Aph. 185 : Vikalendriya (beings with two to four sense organs) are only asanjni (without fully developed mental faculty or non-sentient). Jyotishk and Vaimanik beings are only sanjni (with fully developed mental faculty or sentient). Although infernal beings, abode dwelling gods and interstitial gods are also only sanjni but as some of them reincarnate from non-sentient five sensed animals they are also called non-sentient. All the remaining beings are sentient and non-sentient both.
Aph. 186: One sensed beings are abhaashak (without fully developed faculty of speech). All the remaining beings are both bhaashak (with fully developed faculty of speech) and abhaashak (without fully developed faculty of speech).
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