451 4545454545454545454545455 456 457 455 456 457 455 456 457 455 456 457 458 45 455 455 456 457 454 455 456 457 454 455 456 457
5454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545452 drinking with the fault of transgression of prescribed code related to time (Kaalatikrant paan-bhojana).
45 (3) Suppose a male or female ascetic collects pure (prasuk)... and so on up to... savoury food at a place and eats it after crossing the prescribed limit of walking half a Yojan (four miles) distance. Gautam ! This is called eating and drinking with the fault of transgression of prescribed code related to distance (Maargatikrant paan-bhojana).
(4) Suppose a male or female ascetic collects pure (prasuk)... and so on up to... savoury food and eats a quantity more than thirty two morsels, each more than the size of hen's egg (kukkuti andak). Gautam ! This is called eating and drinking with the fault of transgression of prescribed code related to quantity (Pramanatikrant paan-bhojana).
An ascetic who eats a quantity equivalent to eight morsels of the size of hen's egg is called Alpahaari (one who eats very little). An ascetic who eats a quantity equivalent to twelve morsels of the size of hen's egg is called Apardha Avamodarika (eating a little less than half Unodari). An ascetic who eats a quantity equivalent to sixteen morsels of the size of hen's egg is called Duibhaag-prapt (eating half the standard quantity). An ascetic who eats a quantity equivalent to twenty four morsels of the size of hen's egg is called Unodaarika (eating less than the standard quantity) observer. An ascetic who eats a quantity equivalent to thirty two morsels of the size of hen's egg is called Pramaan-prapt (eating standard quantity). An ascetic who eats a quantity even one morsel less than this thirty two morsels of the size of hen's egg cannot be called Prakamarasabhoji (one who eats very sweet and rich food). Gautam ! This is the meaning of taking food and drink with transgressions like Kshetratikrant, Kaalatikrant, Maargatikrant and Pramanatikrant.
२०. [प्र. ] अह भंते ! सत्थातीतस्स सत्थपरिणामितस्स एसियस्स वेसियस्स सामुदाणियस्स पाणभोयणस्स के अटे पण्णत्ते ? म [उ. ] गोयमा ! जे णं निगंथे वा निग्गंथी वा निक्खित्तसत्थमुसले ववगयमाला-वण्णगविलेवणे # ववगयचुय-चइय-चत्तदेहं जीव-वप्पजढं अकयंअकारियंअसंप्पियंअणाहूयंमकीयकडंअणुदिटुं नवकोडी
परिसुद्धं दसदोसविष्पमक्कं उग्गम-उप्पायणेसणासुपरिसुद्धं वीतिंगालं वीतधूमं संजयोणादोस-विप्पमुक्कं * असुरसुरं अचवचवं अदुतमविलंबितं अपरिसाडिं अक्खोवंजण-वणाणुलेवणभूयं संयमजाया मायावत्तियं की
| सप्तम शतक : प्रथम उद्देशक
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Seventh Shatak: First Lesson
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