卐 卐
[Ans.] Gautam ! That ascetic thinks that while living in Varanasi city he had created Rajagriha city and doing that he saw and knew the 5 make-up of Varanasi city. Thus his vision is not opposite (realistic). That is why it is said that he sees and knows realistically (tatha-bhaava).
7. [Q. 1] Bhante ! Does he see and know that make-up realistically
(tatha-bhaava) or unrealistically (anyatha-bhaava)? [Ans.] Gautam ! He sees and knows realistically (tatha-bhaava) and 5
not unrealistically (anyatha-bhaava). [Q. 2] Bhante ! Why is it said that he sees and knows realistically
(tatha-bhaava) and not unrealistically (anyatha-bhaava ) ?
8. The second statement should also be stated like that with the difference that transmutation is of Varanasi city and he sees and knows the make-up of Varanasi city while living in Rajagriha.
विवेचन प्रस्तुत में अनगार का अर्थ - अरिहंत भगवान की आज्ञानुसार गृह त्याग करने वाला मुनि तथा भावितात्मा का अर्थ-ज्ञान-वैराग्य, तप-संयम की भावना से आत्मा को भावित करने वाला है । सम्यग्दृष्टि होने से उसका दर्शन यथार्थ ग्राही होता है।
आगमों में यह शब्द विभिन्न सन्दर्भों में प्रयुक्त हुआ है। जैसे- प्रस्तुत प्रसंग में संयम - तप से युक्त अवधिज्ञान आदि लब्धियों से सम्पन्न अनगार । स्थानांग ( ५ ) में 'ऋद्धिमान' अणगार तथा भगवती (१८ शतक) में 'वीतराग आत्मा' के लिए भी भावितात्मा शब्द प्रयुक्त हुआ है।
Elaboration-Here Anagar means an ascetic who has renounced household following the tenets of Arihant. Bhavitatma means one who enkindles his soul with endeavour for knowledge, detachment, austerities and discipline. As he is righteous his perception is realistic.
In Agams the term bhavitatma has been used in various contexts. Here
he is an ascetic practicing austerities, discipline and is endowed with
5 Avadhi-jnana. In Sthananga (5) he is an ascetic endowed with special फ powers (riddhiman). In Bhagavati (18) he is a detached soul (vitarag atma). 5 ९. [प्र.] अणगारे णं भंते ! भावियप्पा अमायी सम्मद्दिट्ठी वीरियलद्धीए वेउव्वियलद्धीए 5 ओहिणाणलीए रायगिहं नगरं वाणारसिं च नगरि अंतरा य एगं महं जणवयवग्गं समोहए, समोहणित्ता रायगिहं नगरं वाणारसिं च नगरिं तं च अंतरा एगं महं जणवयवग्गं जाणइ पासइ ?
[उ.] हंता, जाणइ पासइ ।
९. [ प्र. ] भगवन् ! अमायी सम्यग्दृष्टि भावितात्मा अनगार, अपनी वीर्यलब्धि, वैक्रियलब्धि और फ्र अवधिज्ञानलब्धि से, राजगृह नगर और वाराणसी नगरी के बीच में एक बड़े जनपदवर्ग की विकुर्वणा
करके उसकों जानता- देखता है ?
तृतीय शतक : छठा उद्देशक
Jain Education International
Third Shatak: Sixth Lesson
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