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Aphorism [4] uses three terms for Gautam Swami's inquisitivenessJaayasaddhe or jaatashriddha-origin of reverence; here it means origin of interest to know the fundamentals. Jaayasamsaye or jaatasamshayrising of doubt or inquisitiveness as to why Bhagavan said something ? Jaayakouhalle or jaatakautuhal-rising of curiosity as to what
Bhagavan would reply to a particular question ? 45 Four adjectives have been additionally used with the terms shraddha
(interest), samshaya (doubt) and kutuhal (curiosity), namely jaaya, __uppanna, sanjaaya and samuppanna. They signify-Jaaya or jaatasowing a seed; conception; this means triggering in this context.
Uppanna or utpanna-birth; this means sprouting here; Sanjaaya or 卐 sanjaat-mental manifestation; enhancement. Samuppanna-to attain
perfection; this means surfacing here. Apahinam-payahinam-to go around someone starting from left; to go around clockwise. चलन आदि से सम्बन्धित प्रश्न QUESTIONS ABOUT CHALAN (ETC.)
५. [प्र. १] से नूणं भंते ! (१) चलमाणे चलिए ? (२) उदीरिजमाणे उदीरिए ? म (३) वेइज्जमाणे वेइए ? (४) पहिज्जमाणे पहीणे ? (५) छिज्जमाणे छिन्ने ? (६) भिज्जमाणे भिन्ने ? (७) डज्झमाणे डड्ढे ? (८) मिज्जमाणे मडे ? (९) निजरिज्जमाणे निज्जिण्णे ?
[उ. ] हंता गोयमा ! चलमाणे चलिए जाव निजरिज्जमाणे निजिण्णे।
५. [प्र. १ ] हे भन्ते ! क्या यह निश्चित कहा जा सकता है कि-(१) जो चल रहा हो, वह चला? (२) जो (कर्म) उदीरा जा रहा है, वह उदीर्ण हुआ? (३) जो (कर्म) वेदा (भोगा) जा रहा है, वह वेदा 卐 गया? (४) जो गिर रहा है (पतित या नष्ट हो रहा है), वह गिरा (पतित हुआ या हटा)? (५) जो है
(कर्म) छेदा जा रहा है, वह छिन्न हुआ? (६) जो (कर्म) भेदा जा रहा है, वह भिन्न हुआ? (७) जो (कर्म) दग्ध हो रहा है, वह दग्ध हुआ? (८) जो मर रहा है, वह मरा? (९) जो (कर्म) निर्जरित हो रहा है, वह निर्जीण हुआ?
[उ. ] हाँ, गौतम ! जो चल रहा हो, उसे चला, यावत् निर्जरित हो रहा है, उसे निर्जीण हुआ (कहा जा सकता है)।
5. IQ. 1] Bhante ! Is it proper to express with certainty about—(1) a 41 thing that is moving as moved ? (2) a thing (karma) that is fructifying as fructified ? (3) a thing (karma) that is being experienced as experienced ? (4) a thing (karma) that is falling or separating as fallen or separated ? (5) a thing (karma) that is being cut as cut ? (6) a thing (karma) that is being pierced as pierced ? (7) a thing (karma) that is burning as burnt ?
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