45 (kand)-branch (shakha), (13) trunk (kand)-sprout (praval), (14) trunk 1 (kand)-leaf (patra), (15) trunk (kand)-flower (pushp), (16) trunk (kand)
fruit (phal), (17) trunk (kand)-seed (beej), (18) thick branch (skandh)bark (chhaal), (19) thick branch (skandh)-branch (shakha), (20) thick branch (skandh)-sprout (praval), (21) thick branch (skandh)-leaf (patra), (22) thick branch (skandh)-flower (pushp), (23) thick branch (skandh). fruit (phal), (24) thick branch (skandh)-seed (beej), (25) bark (chhaal)
branch (shakha), (26) bark (chhaal)-sprout (praval), (27) bark (chhaal)Pleaf (patra), (28) bark (chhaal)-flower (pushp), (29) bark (chhaal)-fruit
(phal), (30) bark (chhaal)-seed (beei), (31) branch (shakha)-sprout
(praval), (32) branch (shakha)-leaf (patra), (33) branch (shakha)-flower 4i (pushp), (34) branch (shakha)-fruit (phal), (35) branch (shakha)-seed
(beej), (36) sprout (praval)-leaf (patra), (37) sprout (praval)-flower (pushp),
(38) sprout (praval)-fruit (phal), (39) sprout (praval)-seed (beej), (40) leaf 45 (patra)-flower (pushp), (41) leaf (patra)-fruit (phal), (42) leaf (patra)-seed
(beej), (43) flower (pushp)-fruit (phal),(44) flower (pushp)-seed (beej), and (45) fruit (phal)-seed (beej).
Of these 45 combination each should be stated with aforesaid four alternatives. (Vritti, leaf 189)
Due to the strangeness of destruction-cum-pacification (kshayopasham) Avadhi-jnana is of strange types. Some Avadhi-jnani sees and knows only the celestial vehicle, some only the god sitting in it, some both and some none. That is the reason for explaining these queries with four alternatives. These questions and answers explain the comparative degree of Avadhi-jnana. वायुकाय का वैक्रिय रूप TRANSMUTED FORM OF AIR-BODIED BEINGS
५. [प्र. ] पभू णं भंते ! बाउकाए एगं महं इस्थिरूवं वा पुरिसरूवं वा हत्थिरूवं वा जाणरूवं वा एवं जुग्ग-गिल्लि-थिल्लि-सीय-संदमाणियरूवं वा विउवित्तए ? ___ [उ. ] गोयमा ! णो इणठे समझे। वाउक्काए णं विकुव्यमाणे एगं महं पटागासंठियं रूवं विकुब्बइ।
५. [प्र. ] भगवन् ! क्या वायुकाय एक बड़ा स्त्रीरूप या पुरुषरूप, हस्तिरूप अथवा यानरूप, तथा युग्य (रिक्शा गाड़ी अथवा ताँगा जैसी सवारी), गिल्ली (हाथी की अम्वाड़ी), थिल्ली (घोड़ा गाड़ी ॐ बग्घी), शिविका (डोली), स्यन्दमानिका (म्याना) इन सबके रूपों की विकुर्वणा कर सकता है ?
[उ. ] गौतम ! ऐसा सम्भव नहीं है। किन्तु हाँ, वायुकाय यदि विकुर्वणा करे तो एक बड़ी पताका म के आकार के रूप की विकुर्वणा कर सकता है ?
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