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4. [3] During that period of time Indrabhuti Anagar, the senior disciple फ्र of Bhagavan Mahavir, was sitting neither very far nor very near from him in Utkatuk aasan (squatting posture), with bowed head and deeply engrossed in meditation, enkindling (bhaavit) his soul with asceticdiscipline and austerities. He belonged to the Gautam clan. He was seven cubits tall. The structure of his body conformed to samachaturasra samsthan (The anatomical structure of a human being where parallel lines drawn from the extremities of a body sitting cross-legged form a square and where all the parts of body above and below the navel are of standard dimensions. The dimensions increase and decrease proportionately.) and vajra rishabh-narach-samhanan (a specific type of 5 constitution of human body where the joints are perfect and strongest). His complexion was fair like a line of gold and pollen of lotus. He was extremely severe ( ugra ), radiant (deept), simmering (tapta ) and paramount (maha) in austerities; he was generous; he was ghor (severe in winning over afflictions and senses ), ghor-gund (paramount in virtues ), 5 ghor-tapasvi (austere in austerities) and ghor-brahmacharyavasi 5 (scrupulously celibate); and completely dissociated from the body. He had tempered the vipul tejoleshya (great radiant energy) he was endowed with. He was scholar of fourteen Purvas (subtle canon), endowed with four kinds of knowledge and all verbal knowledge (sarvakshar-sannipati). ४. [४] तए णं से भगवं गोयमे जायसड्ढे जायसंसए जायकोऊ हल्ले, उप्पन्नसड्ढे उप्पन्नसंसए उप्पन्नकोऊ हल्ले, संजायसड्ढे संजायसंसए संजायकोऊ हल्ले, समुप्पन्नसड्ढे समुप्पन्नसंसए समुप्पन्नकोऊहल्ले 5 उट्ठाए उट्ठेति । उट्ठाए उट्टेत्ता जेणेव समणे भगवं महावीरे तेणेव उवागच्छइ, उवागच्छित्ता समणं भगवं
5 महावीरं तिक्खुत्तो आयाहिण पयाहिणं करेति, तिक्खुत्तो आयाहिण पयाहिणं करेत्ता वंदति, नम॑सति, 5 नाइदूरे सुस्सूसमाणे अभिमुहे विणएणं पंजलिउडे पज्जुवासमाणे एवं वयासी
[४] तत्पश्चात् गणधर गौतम के मन में श्रद्धा - रुचि, संशय ( जिज्ञासा) और कुतूहल (आश्चर्य) उत्पन्न हुआ। उसके समाधान के लिए प्रवृत्त हुए और तब अपने स्थान से उठकर खड़े हो
गये । खड़े होकर श्रमण गौतम जहाँ श्रमण भगवान महावीर विराजमान थे, उस ओर आये। निकट आकर श्रमण भगवान महावीर को उनके दाहिनी ओर से प्रारम्भ करके तीन बार प्रदक्षिणा की। फिर
वन्दन - नमस्कार किया । नमस्कार करके वे न तो बहुत पास और न बहुत दूर भगवान के समक्ष
5 विनयपूर्वक ललाट पर हाथ जोड़े हुए, भगवान के वचन सुनना चाहते हुए उन्हें नमन करते व उनकी 5 पर्युपासना करते हुए इस प्रकार बोले
arose and surfaced in the mind of Ganadhar Gautam. He got up from his
Bhagavati Sutra (1)
भगवतीसूत्र ( १ )
Jain Education International
For Private & Personal Use Only
4. [4] Then an interest, doubt and curiosity got triggered sprouted, 5