455 456 444
41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 4140
41 41 41 41 455 456 457 454545454 455 456 457 454 455 456 457 458 459 464 45 4 45454545454545454545
के इच्छुक थे। (यहाँ से लेकर समवसरण तक का वर्णन औपपातिकसूत्र से जान लेना चाहिए।) (भगवान
महावीर का पदार्पण जानकर) परिषद् (राजगृह के राजादि लोग तथा अन्य नागरिकों का समूह भगवान ॐ के दर्शन, वन्दन, पर्युपासन एवं धर्मोपदेश श्रवण के लिए) निकला। (निर्गमन का समग्र वर्णन
औपपातिकसूत्र से जान लेना चाहिए।) (भगवान ने उस विशाल परिषद् को) धर्मोपदेश दिया। (धर्मोपदेश सुनकर और यथाशक्ति धारण करके वह) परिषद् (अपने स्थान को) वापस लौट गई।
4. [2] At that period of time Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir, who is the first propounder of the shrut dharma (Jainism) of his time (aaigare or aadikar); the religious ford-maker or founder of the four-fold religious order (Titthagare or Tirthankar); the self-enlightened one
(sahasambuddhe or svayam-sambuddh); supreme among men $ (purisuttame or purushottam); a lion among men because of his spiritual
valour (purisasihe or purush-simha); unspoiled among men like a white lotus (purisavar-pundariye or purushavar-pundareek); a glorious elephant among men (purisavar-gandhahatthi or purushavargandhahasti) (ordinary elephants abandon the area where a bull elephant comes, likewise drought, epidemic, and other such misfortunes disappeared from areas where he went); eminent among all beings in the Lok or occupied space (loguttame or lokottam), master of all the worthy beings of all worlds (loganahe or lokanaath), (benefactor of all the worlds (logahiye or lokahitakar)], lamp of wisdom who dispels the darkness of ignorance in all the worlds (logappadive or lokapradeep), spiritual illuminator of all the worlds (logapajjoyagare or lokapradyotakara), who dispels fear (abhayadaye or abhayadayak); gives spiritual vision
(chakkhudaye or chakshupradayak); shows the path of liberation in the 4 form of right knowledge, perception and conduct (maggadaye or
margapradayak); gives refuge to the seekers of the right path (sarandaye or sharanaprad); who steers one to enlightenment (bohidaye or
bodhidata), originator of dharma (dhammadaye or dharmadata), 4 preceptor of dharma (dhammadesaye or dharmopadeshak), [leader of
dharma (dhammaragaye or dharmanayak)], true guide of dharma (dhammasarahi or dharmasarathi), the emperor of dharma in all the four dimensions of life (dhammavarachaurant-chakkavatthi or 41 dharmavarachaturanta chakravarti), the holder of unlimited unveiled knowledge and perception (appadihayavarananadamsanadhare or apratihat-jnana-darshan-dhar); free of masks of ignorance and ambiguities (viattachhaume or vyavrittachhadma); the conqueror of attachment and aversion (jine or jina); the lamp of knowledge and ante (8)
Bhagavati Sutra (1)
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