accelerating, fast, quick, fierce, winning, steady, lion-like, rushing, divine and billowing speed they crossed innumerable continents and seas in the transverse world and arrived where naive-hermit Tamali was stationed in Tamralipti city in Bharat-varsh in Jambu continent. Arriving there they stood (hovering) above naive-hermit Tamali in four directions and four intermediate directions, and displayed their divine opulence, divine radiance, divine influence and thirty two divine dances and plays.
After that they went around naive-hermit Tamali three times clockwise and paid him homage and obeisance. Having done that they said-"Beloved of gods ! We, a group of numerous Asur Kumar gods and goddesses from Balichancha, the capital city, pay our homage and obeisance to you... and so on up to... worship you. Beloved of gods! Our Balichancha, the capital city, is at present without an overlord and a priest-god. Beloved of gods ! We all have been subjects of an Indra and governed by an Indra (till now). All our activities are conducted under his guidance. Therefore, O Beloved of gods ! Please take over Balichancha, the capital city. Please accept its reign. Please clearly ponder about it. Please take a decision about it. Please make up your mind for it. Please have a wish for it (the position of Indra of Balichancha). Please resolve to be born in Balichancha, the capital city, and live there as Indra. If your resolve (to be the Indra of Balichancha) is firm, after your death here, you will reincarnate in Balichancha, the capital city. Then you will become our Indra and live with us enjoying divine pleasures and comforts.
३१. तए णं से तामली बालतवस्सी तेहिं बलिचंचारायहाणिवत्थव्वएहिं बहुहिं असुरकुमारेहिं देवेहि य देवीहिं एवं वुत्ते समाणे एयमद्रं नो आढाइ नो परियाणेइ, तुसिणीए संचिट्ठइ। ___३१. जब बलिचंचा राजधानी में रहने वाले बहुत-से असुरकुमार देवों और देवियों ने उस तामली बाल-तपस्वी को इस प्रकार से कहा तो उनकी बात का आदर नहीं किया, उसे स्वीकार भी नहीं किया, किन्तु मौन रहा।
31. When numerous Asur Kumar gods and goddesses from Balichancha, the capital city, said thus to naive-hermit Tamali, he did not appreciate that and neither did he accept that. Instead, he remained silent.
३२. तए णं ते बलिचंचारायहाणिवत्थव्वया बहवे असुरकुमारा देवा य देवीओ य तामलिं मोरियपुत्ते दोच्चं पि तच्चं पि तिक्खुत्तो आयाहिणप्पयाहिणं करेंति, जाव अम्हं च णं देवाणुप्पिया ! बलिचंचा रायहाणी अणिंदा जाव ठितिपकम्मं पकरेह, जाव दोच्चं पि तच्चं पि एवं वुत्ते समाणे जाव तुसिणीए संचिट्ठइ।
तृतीय शतक: प्रथम उद्देशक
Third Shatak: First Lesson
Jain Education International
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