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ॐ निरन्तर छह-छह उपवास करना। सातवें मास में निरन्तर सात-सात उपवास करना। आठवें मास में 5
निरन्तर आठ-आठ उपवास करना। नौवें मास में निरन्तर नौ-नौ उपवास करना। दसवें मास में :ॐ निरन्तर दस-दस उपवास करना। ग्यारहवें मास में निरन्तर ग्यारह-ग्यारह उपवास करना। बारहवें 5 मास में निरन्तर बारह-बारह उपवास करना। तेरहवें मास में निरन्तर तेरह-तेरह उपवास करना।
चौदहवें मास में निरन्तर चौदह-चौदह उपवास करना। पन्द्रहवें मास में निरन्तर पन्द्रह-पन्द्रह उपवास ॐ करना और सोलहवें मास में निरन्तर सोलह-सोलह उपवास करना। इन सभी में दिन में उत्कुटुक + आसन में बैठकर सूर्य के सम्मुख मुख करके आतापनाभूमि में आतापना लेना, रात्रि के समय वस्त्ररहित होकर वीरासन से बैठकर शीत सहन करना।
44. After getting permission from Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir ascetic Skandak commenced the practice of the Gunaratna-samvatsar penance. This was as follows (procedure of the Gunaratna-samvatsar penance)-To fast on alternate days (i.e. to miss four meals of a day, break the fast on second day and again miss four meals on the third day, and so on) during the first month. Also to sit naked in Utkatuk posture facing the sun enduring heat during the day and to sit in Virasan posture enduring cold during the night. To fast for two days followed by a break (i.e. to miss six meals, break the fast on following day and again miss six meals, and so on) during the second month. The practice also includes sitting naked in Utkatuk posture facing the sun enduring heat during the day and sitting in Virasan posture enduring cold during the night. To do a series of three day fasts (missing eight meals) followed by a break with other rules remaining the same during the third month. With the other conditions remaining the same, to do a series of four day fasts (missing ten meals) followed by a break during the fourth month, five day fasts (missing twelve meals) during the fifth month, six day fasts (missing fourteen meals) during sixth month, seven day fasts (missing sixteen meals) during the seventh month, eight day fasts (missing eighteen meals) during the eighth month, nine day fasts (missing twenty meals) during the ninth month, ten day fasts (missing twenty two meals) during the tenth month, eleven day fasts (missing 4 twenty four meals) during the eleventh month, twelve day fasts (missing twenty six meals) during the twelfth month, thirteen day fasts (missing twenty eight meals) during the thirteenth month, fourteen day fasts (missing thirty meals) during the fourteenth month, fifteen day fasts
(missing thirty two meals) during the fifteenth month and sixteen day $1 fasts (missing thirty four meals) during the sixteenth month. All
through, the practice also includes sitting naked in Utkatuk posture
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