इसे डांस और मच्छर न सताएँ, तथा वात, पित्त, कफ, सन्निपात आदि से होने वाले विविध रोग और आतंक (प्राणघातक रोग) परीषह और उपसर्ग इसे स्पर्श न करें, इस प्रकार मैं इनसे इसकी बराबर रक्षा करता हूँ। पूर्वोक्त विघ्नों से रहित किया हुआ मेरा आत्मा मुझे परलोक में हितरूप, सुखरूप, कुशलरूप, कल्याणरूप और अनुगामीरूप होगा। इसलिए भगवन् ! मैं आपके पास स्वयं प्रव्रजित होना, मुण्डित होना चाहता हूँ। मेरी इच्छा है कि आप स्वयं मुझे प्रव्रजित करें (मुनि वेश दें), मुण्डित (केश लुंचन) करें, आप स्वयं मुझे प्रतिलेखनादि क्रियाएँ सिखाएँ, सूत्र और अर्थ पढ़ाएँ। मैं चाहता हूँ कि आप मुझे ज्ञानादि आचार, गोचर (भिक्षाचरी), विनय, विनय का फल, चरण ( व्रतादि) और करण ( पिण्ड - विशुद्धि) आदि तथा संयमयात्रा और संयमयात्रा के निर्वाहक आहारादि की मात्रा के ग्रहणरूप धर्म को बताएँ ।
34. Listening to and understanding the religious discourse given by Bhagavan Mahavir, that Parivrajak Skandak of Katyayan clan became happy, contented... and so on up to... his heart bloomed with bliss. He got up, went around Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir three times clockwise and said "Bhagavan ! I have faith (shraddha), trust (pratiti) and interest (ruchi) in the Nirgranth-sermon. Bhante! I am ready to embrace the Nirgranth-sermon. Bhante! It is as you say. Bhante! It is the ultimate reality. Bhante! It is the ultimate truth. Bhante! It is beyond any doubt. Bhante! It is desirable to me. Bhante! It is extremely desirable to me. Bhante! Indeed, it is desirable, extremely desirable to me. Bhante! It is exactly as you have stated." Saying thus Skandak Parivrajak paid homage and obeisance to Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir. Doing that he went in the north-east direction (Ishan Kone) and discarded his Parivrajak paraphernalia including Tridand (trident), Kundi (bowl)... and so on up to... saffron coloured dress. He then returned near Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir, went around him three times... and so on up to... paid homage and said as follows
"Bhante! This world is ablaze. Bhante! This world is being consumed by fire. Bhante! This world is ablaze and is being consumed by the fire of old age and death. In a situation when his house is on fire a householder chooses the most valuable and least cumbersome objects and carrying them to a solitary place he thinks-'Sooner or later in the future these rescued objects (from fire) will be the cause of great help, happiness, support and welfare as they will go along with me.' In the same way, Bhante! My soul is like a bowl (object) that I very much adore, desire, love and covet. For me it is stabilizing, confidence boosting, assented (sammat), approved (anumat), sanctioned (bahumat) and is like a casket of jewels. Therefore I continue to protect it in such a way that no harm is
द्वितीय शतक : प्रथम उद्देशक
Jain Education International
Second Shatak: First Lesson
For Private & Personal Use Only