और वर्तमानकाल के ज्ञाता हैं, सर्वज्ञ-सर्वदर्शी हैं; उन्होंने तुम्हारे मन में रही हुई गुप्त बात मुझे शीघ्र कही है, इसलिए स्कन्दक ! मैं तुम्हारी उस गुप्त बात को जानता हूँ।' । [३] तत्पश्चात् स्कन्दक परिव्राजक ने भगवान गौतम से इस प्रकार कहा-“हे गौतम ! हम तुम्हारे धर्माचार्य, धर्मोपदेशक श्रमण भगवान महावीर स्वामी के पास चलें, उन्हें वन्दना-नमस्कार करें, यावत्उनकी पर्युपासना करें।"
(गौतम स्वामी-) 'हे देवानुप्रिय ! जैसा तुम्हें सुख हो वैसा करो। (इस शुभ कार्य में) विलम्ब न करो।'
[ ४ ] तदनन्तर भगवान गौतम स्वामी ने स्कन्दक परिव्राजक के साथ जहाँ श्रमण भगवान महावीर स्वामी विराजमान थे, वहाँ जाने का संकल्प किया। ____20. [Q. 1] Knowing that Parivrajak Skandak of Katyayan clan had come very near, Bhagavan Gautam got up and rushed ahead to greet him. Approaching Parivrajak Skandak of Katyayan clan he said, “O Skandak ! Welcome. A hearty welcome to you. Skandak ! Your arrival is timely and at opportune moment. O Skandak ! Please come. It is good that you have come.” He then added—“Skandak ! In Shravasti, Vaishalik Shravak ascetic Pingal had asked you five questions including'O Maagadh ! Is the Lok with or without limit ? Failing to provide answers, you have come here to ask those questions to Bhagavan. O Skandak ! Tell me if it is true ?"
[Ans.] (Skandak) “Yes, Gautam ! It is true.”
(Q. 2] Then Skandak Parivrajak asked Bhagavan Gautam-"Gautam ! Who is such enlightened sage, rich in austerities, who has at once revealed my inner thoughts to you and enabled you to know my secret musings ?”
(Ans.) Bhagavan Gautam replied to Skandak Parivrajak"O Skandak ! My religious teacher and preceptor Shraman Bhagavan
Mahavir is endowed with Keval-jnana and Keval-darshan. He is Arihant, Jina and Kevali (omniscient). He knows past, present and future. He sees all and knows all. It is he who at once told me about your inner thoughts. That is why, O Skandak! I know your secret.” ___ [3] Then Skandak Parivrajak said to Bhagavan Gautam--"Gautam ! Let us go to your religious teacher and preceptor Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir and pay him homage and obeisance... and so on up to... worship him." ___ (Gautam Swami) “0 Beloved of gods ! Do as you please without any delay."
द्वितीय शतक : प्रथम उद्देशक
Second Shatak : First Lesson
Jain Education International
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