[प्र. ४ ] फिर 'हे भगवन् !' यों कहकर भगवान गौतम ने श्रमण भगवान महावीर को वन्दनानमस्कार करके इस प्रकार पूछा-'भगवन् ! क्या वह कात्यायनगोत्रीय स्कन्दक परिव्राजक आप देवानुप्रिय के पास मुण्डित होकर आगार (घर) छोड़कर अनगार धर्म में प्रव्रजित होने में समर्थ है ?'
[उ. ] 'हाँ, गौतम ! वह अनगार धर्म में प्रव्रजित होने में समर्थ है।'
18. [1] Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir said to his senior disciple ascetic Indrabhuti-(Today) Gautam ! You are going to see your friend (from • past birth).
[Q.2] Bhante ! Whom do you mean ? [Ans.] His name is Skandak (Parivrajak).
[Q. 3] Bhante ! When, how and after lapse of how much time will I see him?
[Ans.] Gautam ! During that period of time there was a city named Shravasti. Description (as aforesaid). In Shravasti lived a Parivraiak named Skandak. He belonged to Katyayan clan (gotra) and was a disciple of Parivrajak Gardhabhal. Details should be read as already described... and so on up to... That Skandak Parivrajak has resolved to come here where I am. He has left his place and is coming to me. He has covered a long distance and has come near. At this moment he is walking on the midway path. O Gautam ! You are going to see him today itself.
[Q. 4) 'Bhante !' Addressing thus Gautam paid homage and obeisance to Bhagavan Mahavir and asked-'Bhante ! Is that Parivrajak Skandak of Katyayan clan capable of tonsuring his head, renounce his abode and become a homeless ascetic by getting initiated by you, Beloved of gods !"
[Ans.] 'Yes, Gautam ! He is capable of doing that.
१९. जावं च णं समणे भगवं महावीरे भगवओ गोयमस्स एयमटं परिकहेइ तावं च से खंदए कच्चायणसगोत्ते तं देसं हव्वमागए।
१९. जब श्रमण भगवान महावीर स्वामी भगवान गौतम स्वामी से यह (पूर्वोक्त) बात कह ही रहे थे, कि इतने में वह कात्यायनगोत्रीय स्कन्दक परिव्राजक उस स्थान में (भगवान महावीर के पास) आ पहुँचे।
19. While Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir was saying all this to Gautam Swami, Parivrajak Skandak of Katyayan clan arrived there (near Bhagavan Mahavir).
२०. [प्र. १] तए णं भगवं गोयमे खंदयं कच्चायणसगोत्तं अदूरआगयं जाणित्ता खिप्पामेव अब्भुट्टेति, खिप्पामेव पच्चुवगच्छइ। जेणेव खंदए कच्चायणसगोत्ते तेणेव उवागच्छइ, उवागच्छित्ता खंदयं
द्वितीय शतक :प्रथम उद्देशक
Second Shatak : First Lesson |
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