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एक जीव द्वारा एक समय में ये दो क्रियाएँ सम्भव नहीं जीव जब कषाययुक्त होता है, तो कषायरहित नहीं होता और जब कषायरहित होता है, तो सकषाय नहीं हो सकता। दसवें गुणस्थान तक सकषाय-दशा है। आगे के गुणस्थानों में अकषाय अवस्था है। ऐर्यापथिकी अकषाय-अवस्था की क्रिया है, साम्परायिकी कषायअवस्था की । अतएव एक ही जीव एक ही समय में इन दोनों क्रियाओं को नहीं कर सकता। (वृत्ति, पत्रांक १०६ ) Elaboration-An action performed purely due to association (yoga) is called airyapathiki kriya. Such passion-free and careful action or movement can be performed only by an accomplished ascetic (vitarag) who is at 11th to 13th Gunasthan (level of spiritual purity) and is short of omniscience due to residual karmic bondage. An action involving 457 association (yoga) but with predominance of passions is called samparayiki kriya. Such action is performed by ordinary beings under the influence of passions and leads to karmic bondage. This action is the
kriya he also performs airyapathiki kriya. By performing airyapathiki
kriya he performs samparayiki kriya and by performing samparayiki
kriya he performs airyapathiki kriya (etc.). This way a living being (soul)
performs two activities (kriya) at one given moment (Samaya)—
airyapathiki and samparayiki. Bhante! Is it like that?
cause of cycles of rebirth. Of the twenty five enumerated actions twenty
four are samparayiki and only one is airyapathiki.
[Ans.] This assertion of other schools of thought... and so on up to...
samparayiki kriya, is false or incorrect. O Gautam ! I say that-one
living being (soul) performs only one action at one given moment (Samaya). Here the view of other schools and that of own school (Jain)
should be stated... and so on up to... he performs either airyapathiki or 卐 samparayiki kriya.
विवेचन : ऐर्यापथिकी-जो क्रिया केवल योग निमित्त से होती हो, ऐसी कषायरहित - वीतरागपुरुष की क्रिया ११ वें से १३ वें गुणस्थान तक लगती है। साम्परायिकी - जिस क्रिया में योग का निमित्त होते हुए भी कषाय की 5 प्रधानता हो ऐसी सकषाय जीव की क्रिया । यही क्रिया संसार परिभ्रमण का कारण है। पच्चीस क्रियाओं में से चौबीस क्रियाएँ साम्परायिकी हैं, सिर्फ एक ऐर्यापथिकी है।
both these actions at one given moment. (Vritti, leaf 106)
भगवतीसूत्र (१)
Two actions in one moment by one being are impossible-When a being is burdened by passions it cannot be free of passions and vise versa. Up to the tenth Gunasthan a being is in a state encumbered with passions and beyond that he is in a passion-free state. Airyapathiki movement is the action of passion-free state and samparayiki is the 卐 action of passion-encumbered state. Therefore one being cannot perform
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