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[Ans.] Gautam ! A soul conceived in a womb (fetus) indulges in intake through its whole body, transformation through his whole body, inhalation through his whole body and exhalation through his whole body. He indulges in intake very often, transformation through his whole body very often, inhalation very often and exhalation very often. He indulges in intake at times, transformation through his whole body at times, inhalation at times and exhalation at times. Also the placenta, responsible for transference of body fluids from mother to fetus which is called matri-jiva-rasa-harani, joins the body of the mother with the body
of the fetus. Through this cord he (fetus) takes nutrition and transforms
There is another tube called putra-jiva-rasa-harani (umbilical cord) that joins the body of the fetus (at his navel) to the body of the mother. Through this cord the fetus assimilates (chaya) and augments (upachaya) intake. That is why Gautam a soul conceived in a womb is incapable of taking morsel food (kavalaahaar) through mouth.
१६. [ प्र. ] कति णं भंते ! मातियंगा पण्णत्ता ?
[उ.] गोयमा ! तओ मातियंगा । तं जहा- मंसे सोणिते मत्थुलुंगे ।
१६. [ प्र. ] भगवन् ! ( जीव के शरीर में) माता के अंग कितने कहे गये हैं ?
[उ.] गौतम ! माता के तीन अंग कहे गये हैं; वे इस प्रकार हैं- (१) माँस, (२) शोणित (रक्त),
5 और (३) मस्तक का भेजा (दिमाग) (ये अंग कोमल होते हैं) ।
16. [Q.] Bhante! What parts of the body of a being are said to be maternal (contributed by mother)?
[Ans.] Gautam! There are said to be three maternal parts-(1) flesh, (2) blood, and (3) brain (these parts are soft).
१७. [ प्र. ] कति णं भंते! पितियंगा पण्णत्ता ? [उ.] गोयमा ! तओ पितियंगा पण्णत्ता । तं जहा- अ १७. [ प्र. ] भगवन् ! पिता के कितने अंग हैं ?
[ उ. ] गौतम ! पिता के तीन अंग हैं; वे इस प्रकार हैं- (१) हड्डी, (२) मज्जा, और (३) केश, दाढ़ी-मूँछ, रोम तथा नख (ये अंग कठोर होते हैं) ।
17. [Q.] Bhante! What parts of the body of a being are said to be paternal (contributed by father)?
- अट्ठि अट्ठिमिंजा केस-मंसु - रोम - नहे ।
[Ans.] Gautam ! There are three paternal parts-(1) bone, (2) marrow, and (3) hair, beard, body-hair and nails (these parts are hard).
प्रथम शतक : सप्तम उद्देशक
Jain Education International
First Shatak: Seventh Lesson
For Private & Personal Use Only