Page 102_lines: 18) Read T54at. Perhaps we have to read 9399Feat. 31) Note कुवलयचन्द्र is being addressed.
Page 103—lines: 17) The metre is gofatifea. 32) There is a reference here to tra font महोत्सव.
Page 104 lines: 7) Dakşiņāpatha is looked upon as full of plenty, a veritable heaven indeed. 21) quat, a branch of knowledge which deals with mining. The trees indicate the hidden wealth below: this is a common idea, see TrafTA, IV, p. 36 (ed. KALE, Bombay 1925). The secondary branches or roots of the Mālūra tree indicate the presence of wealth below. Is fac u t a form of the Gen. dual (=facamat:)? The extent, nature and the depth also are indicated by the size, juice and height of the tree.
Page 106-line: 6) - or Tagfra, perhaps a person who sits in the latticed topmost cage or cabin of the ship and views things at a distance.
Page 109-lines: 26) The two names parft (p. 104. 8) and I here, refer to the same town. Better read our Gutt (see p. 105 line 10). 35) TO, present participle Nom. Sing.
Page 110-lines: 7) See above the note on p. 96, line 5. 8) This FET is called face elsewhere, see p. 162. 1. 9) See p. 92, lines 1 f.
Page 111-lines: 27) TTT possibly refers to some canonical text. TT afturg to qfam ' fh may be even a quotation: it resembles the style of the Ācārānga-sūtra. It is a Ta of what is called the T TTT style Pt. BECHARDASAJI informs me that this is traced in the 1934 , हरिभद्रीयावृत्तिः, p. 661. 30) The Lion is called साधर्मिक, 32) Likewise जीवंधर had given कर्णजाप to a dying dog which consequently was born as god. The gaitaraFT of arfait refers to it in this way: प्रापद्देवं तव नतिपदैर्जीवकेनोपदिष्ट. पापाचारी मरणसमये सारमेयोऽपि सौख्यम् । कः संदेहो यदुपलभते बासवश्रीप्रभुत्वं जल्पञ्जात्यर्माणभिरमलस्त्वन्नमस्कारचक्रम् ।। १२ ।।
Page 112-lines: 4) Read T. 6) We have the sia 944 here. 9) The descriptions in prose on this page (lines 9-12, 14-19 and 21-24) are affected by Apabhramsa forms. 21) Here the wild, if not wildly cruel, habits of the Fogs in the Vindhyan range are described. The author has given above, p. 40. lines 24 f., a good list of Fate people; and here he gives the description of a typical get in the Vindhya religion. These people are called irreligious, and this picture shows what the author means by religion. 27) The advent of summer is described.
Page 113—lines: 6) Apabhramsa forms are found in the descriptive passages on this page, see lines, 6-8, 10-12 and 21-24. 20) Some metrical defect in the first line; arsfout? 29) T TT
The advent of
secolines, 6-8, 10-12' and Apabhratsa
Page 114-lines: 8) The elephants had enough evidence on their person that they had come from a watery spot. 23) Here is reference to आयुःशास्त्र or आयुर्वेद.
Page 115 lines: 4) The statue of Arhat is on the head of the Yakşa. Very often the image of Pārsvanātha is found on the head of Padmāvati: this idea is as old as Uddyotanasūri's time. In this context, Dr. U. P. SHAHA, Baroda, writes to me thus: 'About your inquiry regarding the earliest Yakşa image having a Jina-image on top, I must say that I do not remember any image prior to about eleventh century. But Yakşi images with Jina on top are known from at least c. sixth century (A. D.), and you will find a bronze of Ambikā (c. 6th century) illustrated as fig. 14 in my book, Akota Bronzes, published by the Government of the old Bombay State (by its Department of Archaeology and Archives). In this context the following observations of Dr. D. SHARMA (Rajasthân through the Ages, Bikaner 1966, pp. 395-6) may prove interesting: 'We have scriptural evidence too of the worship of the Yakşarāja, Kubera. Many images of this potbellied god have been found in Rajasthān. The image of Jaina Kubera from Bānsi (near Chitor) is of excellent workmanship. It depicts miniature figures of a Jina both in the crown and the head of the deity (Researcher I, p. 18).' 12) First two verses have a h .
Page 116—lines: 9) This is a reference to the TUTETTET. For a detailed conversation on the recognition of the 'पदपद्धति' see the वसुदेवहिंडी, part I, pp. 135 etc. 17) Preads अक्खित्तियं for दुवईखंडलयंThe metre is द्विपदी. द्विपदीखण्ड is a joint metre.
Page 117—lines: 21) Some forms show Apabhraíba tendency. 27) fa:Fa: is the left with which the Truth (namely afara out of cafu fraf etc.) is recited. A Brāhmana could be distinguished or was characterised by this Hr7; otherwise he was just a beggar.
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