Page 118-lines: 6) Here is a list of the georets of this world; so here is substituted for 187. 18) Note the Apabhramsa forms. 30) There is 6th in these lines.
Page 119-line: 29) These are eight varieties of ourers. Page 120—lines: 4) The metre is ta. 26) 370- TT?
Page 121-lines: 1) We have similes here based on 9. 4) Rather a CHETI a? Note the Apabhramśa tinge in the prose describing the river etc. 21) This poetic description of tar is quite catching.
Page 123—lines: 7) This context reminds of the parrot episode in the Kādambarī. 14) Compare Kādambarī (PETERSON'S ed. pp. 33-34) especially the expression fuff irfraui
.... etc. 19) atau Infinitive of purpose. 22) FUTS is perhaps a short form (for domestic use) of H H above. 24) fagi , see above p. 16.23. 29) Some of these are the अनुप्रेक्षाs. 33) Are we to read राइणो जहा पिउणो 'महारायरिसिणो' etc.?
Page 124lines: 18) Hafeters and Tic were famous as holy places even in the time of Uddyotanasūri. See p. 80 above. 28) As usual, in such descriptions, we get some Apabhramba forms. We have XI5 446.31) Read with
J Ę . Page 126—11. 18 f. The idea of a child being brought up in the herd of deer is not imaginary but a fact of experience. My friend Shri D. PUUTTASWAMI, Mangalore, draws my attention to a cutting from an English magazine which deserves to be reproduced in this context: 'Bedouins, hunting gazelle in the Syrian desert with the aid of a jeep, saw a strange 'animal' running with the herd. On capturing it, the tribesmen were amazed to find it was a boy about 14. The lad was taken to an asylum at Damascus, where he is being taken care of by the doctors. He can only mutter animal sounds and spends most of the time in the grounds completely naked. He will eat grass and his only drink is water from an ice-cold mountain stream. The lad runs amazingly fast, and until exhausted during the chase was able to outpace the jeep. It is thought that he is a Bedouin boy, who abandoned by his mother in the desert, had in some strange manner been living with gazelle.' The caption of the cutting is 'Real Life Tarzan'; and the photograph of the boy is given.
Page 127—lines: 1) FT afsce PTT is the usual canonical phrase. 28) Better read fure एणियाए लक्खिओ etc. 30) Rather पव्वालणा.
Page 128—lines: 3) Etats presents some syntactical difficulty? 11) Each line has 32 HTTTS. If the verse can be split into 4 lines, then the 2nd or the 3rd have the same pattern. Are we to read जिणंदयपाए for पए जिणयंद to suit the rhyme? 13) Each line has 31 मात्राs, with a pause after 13 मात्राs and the third Caturmātra has five मात्राs. The author calls it गीतिका. 17) Rather आयंत for आयत्त. To converse in Thats was looked upon as a diversion.
Page 129-lines: 3) The author shows that he is conversant with 1989 . In one verse, he outlines 989997 in Sanskrit; but in Prākrit, he gives elaborate details covering more than a page. It is not unlikely that he is reproducing the details from some manual on that lore. Dr. NEMICHANDRA SHASTRI, Arrah, informs me that these details about HTHSSTIFT deserve to be compared with those in the वाराही संहिता, for पुरुषलक्षण Chaps. 68-9 and स्त्रीलक्षण Chap.70, and also बृहत्पराशरहोरा Chaps 75 and 81. Some items are common, but there are differences as well. 26) In this discussion which is mainly in gāthās, there are a few 365 verses, see lines 26, 29; p. 130, line 27; p. 131 line 11. 33) Note this used: perhaps he has a Sanskrit text before him.
Page 132—lines: 1) We get some details about the faster clan here. 14) That is how gods, men and Vidyadharas are to be mutually distinguished. 27) We get here the description of the mode of worship.
Page 133—lines: 15) It is interesting to note how both #th and ruins are being associated with the eart fail.
Page 134-lines: 17) Here is the etymology of eat, according to Jaina tradition. From his two sons 1 > furry and agafo > ATHUSTE started and a DTS. 3696 >
93477 belong to the latter. ( 1T371). 25) facut-get or -Art is reached after crossing विन्ध्य as well as सह्य by one starting from अयोध्या. 26) The first three verses are गीतिs. All of them have PT TATT. 33) Note the Apabhramsa forms here.
Page 135 --lines: 6) This farget is located on the shore of the Southern Ocean; see also below 155.19. 21) We get here some idea of the equipment of the caravan. Cf. Līlāvai 1065 f.
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