22) These are fatet lines. 24) Here are mentioned the attendants, or the conventional company, of the king. faça is one of them. 25) GET=2757? 27) It is a catching contrast between the courtezan and the monk.
Page 85-lines: 14) fouf etc. and etc. are two lines of the Gathā. 27) Though the ring is slightly different in these two verses, the pattern of ITS conforms to the Gāthā type.
Page 86 lines: 21) The king first hears an engrossing episode of the bed-room; then he sees a saint engrossed in meditation; and lastly, he crosses a highly passionate, yet devoted beloved.
Page 87-line: 13) farfaTT FUT, some miraculous movement, jumping up like a flash of lightning (see above p. 73, 1. 24).
Page 88—lines: 2) Some of the ideas in this paragraph closely resemble those in the AT8449, 3 and 10-especially in the context of the rarity of human birth and of religious instruction. 14) The verse माणुस्स etc. is attributed to सुधर्मस्वामिन् ; it is traced in the आवश्यकनियुक्ति, 831 or 832. TH=HTT. 23) One is reminded of the oft-quoted verse: a TIT FAUTETI ETT STATUT धावन् किलान्धको दग्धः पश्यन्नपि च पङ्गलः ।।
Page 89-line: 1) This is a cor of the 55819, and it is followed by its 3974 in the next paragraph. There are three kinds of souls: अभव्य, कालभव्य and भव्य.
Page 91-lines: 10) This is called ferateve by the author. The first verse is feat. The next looks a bit irregular with 28 or 29 HTTS in the first line and 30 hits in the second. The third is a ufa. The last verse is in Apabhramśa; it has 28 Tats in the first line and 26 in the second line (which is a good द्विपथक line). Is तउ redundant; or are we to read तउ अंगहिँ विलसंत? 15) F117 to greet with the word ' '=7 (>73 >71) #TETT > 719 FT 3Tt; 21) For details see W. SCHUBRING: The Doctrine of the Jainas (Delhi 1962), $ 170. 24) But who has and where is narrated the FT of Dharmanandana ? The Sanskrit recension has no remark corresponding to this.
Page 92-lines: 12) We get here in the following sections, the conventional description of the Saudharma-kalpa, Padmavimāna, the rebirth of Lobhadeva's soul there, the attendants, the way in which he was introduced to the heavenly environments, and his recollection of the past life.
Page 94-lines: 4) Compare TTTTTTT para 12-14. 8) The first two verses are in faust metre; the third is a गाथा and the fourth is खण्ड (अवलम्बक), a समचतुष्पदी, each foot having 13 (4,4,5) HTEIS. 19) The metrical form is fifa. 23) A nice simile with plenty of double meaning.
Page 95-lines: 7) The text of P shows a gap. As the query stands, there should follow (according to J) a description of forme after afa ; but instead we get the description of the images. May be that the description of it is missing. For the description of images, see T hory, para 129. 12) We get here some details of the Pūjā. 15) This and next are in feyet metre. 20) See the TITUTU, para 138. 24) In these verses, the Five Parameşthins are saluted, and then the religious duties of house-holders and monks are enumerated in short.
Page 96-lines: 5) Here (also p. 110, line 7, but PBHATTt) the name of Art in heaven is TEHETT, but elsewhere (p. 229. line 25) 434TTI. Looking at the various readings together, HTFTHE in heaven is THT and Atutfach is T39.9) All the five Jivas (of Candasoma etc.) meet here in the Saudharma-vimāna. 11) There is the Ta Thk here. For a canonical back-ground of these details see how god सूर्याभ is going to the समवसरण of महावीर in the रायपसेणियसुत्त, 28) Compare TEUTATT, paras 21 etc. Here we have a good description of the Samavasaraṇa, incorporating most of the conventional details about the fetus etc. Compare also falaquofa (Sholapur 1943) IV, 710 ff.
Page 97-lines: 9) Here we are given a description of the fagtes; compare fate quorfer, IV. 919 f. 27) Hereonwards follows a nice discourse on Jiva, its nature, its relation with Karman, its migration through various births, and its final liberation.
Page 99---lines: 3) This tale of a wild rat is as good as an independent, or even a detached, episode. 17) Read 3toaut fa. 19) 3fufHat is an Apabhramsa form,
Page 100-line: 12) That is a good list of the repeated instructions in the order of monks.
Page 101-lines: 4) Even the wild rat is behaving like a saint in human birth. Even a lowest being can attain liberation in due course. This gives a lesson to and holds a hope before others. 13) Rather पत्तीउ for पुत्तीउ. 17) Better कुरंगे धोरुद्दवेहिं.
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