1945). 24) Here 97 and try of oth and are ta are remembered, see M. WINTERNITZ: HIL, I. 25) The term qoupe occurs thrice in this work, here, in line 18 above and at p. 177, line 2. On this topic see my detailed paper 'Chhappannaya-gāhāo' in the Journal of the Oriental Institute, Baroda, Vol. XI, No. 4, pp. 385-402. 26) Here Bāņa and his Kādambarī are mentioned. 27) Here is a reference to Vimala, the author of Thef (Bhavanagar 1914; Varanasi 1962) which is facin, and his a language is called sa-rasa like nectar. The metrical forms from it are analysed by Dr. C. SHARMA in his paper on the metres of the Rāmakāvyas published in the University of Rajasthan Studies (Sanskrit and Hindi), July 1967. 28) Here is a reference to the royal saint Devagupta, from the family of Guptas; possibly he is the same as the one mentioned at p. 282, line 8, and styled Mahākavi, possibly the author of 'Supurisacariya', not discovered so far. 29) In this verse J reads graf and P reads fra. Earlier scholars had no reading afrafe before them; so this was taken to be a reference to the fair of fans. I would not call this impossible, because either way the verse presents some difficulties of interpretation. But J, the older Ms., clearly gives the reading af af which cannot be ignored. The repetition of the term fa presents great difficulty; and the translation of this verse given by the late lamented Pt. PREMI (1H1fca att gare, 2nd ed., Bombay 1956, pp. 113-14) and followed by some others (Pt. A. M. BHOJAK, T agfaf, Ahmedabad 1961, FAGI, p. 46) is sufficiently elusive, if not defective. I had discussed this verse with Pt. PREMIJI, and in the light of an authentic reading of a genuinely old Ms., he was in a mood to reconsider his earlier interpretation. I would present the rendering of the constituted text thus: 'I greet respectfully Harivarşa, though indeed (well-) respected (rauf au), who is loved by thousands of wise men, who is the first author of the atastrofe and who is in fact of spotless expression'. Some of my friends who have discussed this verse lately with me have to suggest some improvement in readings also. They say that पिहु = पृथु, great, or reading पहु ( = प्रभु) for पिहु might be an adjective of हरिवर्ष. The second alternative involves the change of the available reading. In the Gujarati Translation of sft TTaf, afay=afica is taken as the name of an author. 30) Here is a reference to a H TT,
MITT by name. The verse itself does not mention the name of the author, but has a pronoun to which, usually, should go with the author mentioned in the earlier verse. In that case fan will have to be taken as the author of g aat(FT), which so far, has not come to light. Jinasena completed his Harivamsa in 783 A.D. and he says therein thus: AETETT HETT TISTOSTधारिणी । कथा न वर्णिता केन वनितेव सुलोचना ।। 1. 33. Further Dhavala, in his हरिवंश (circa lith century A.D.) composed in the 395 dialect, specifically refers to the stuur of HET thus: qfor HET TYT 9349173 for favor FGFUTATUT fray a ofses futur atrafell (HIRALAL: Catalogue of Sk. and Pk. Mss. in C.P. and Berar, p. 764). Whether both ac and so are referring to the same work is not beyond doubt. We should wait for more facts in this context. 31) Here are referred to प्रभजन, a royal saint, and his यशोधर-चरित. Among the यशोधर-चरित texts, so far listed, this seems to be the earliest (P. L. VAIDYA: T afa, Karanja 1931, Intro. pp. 24 f.). As noted by Dr. VAIDYA, İTH (earlier than 1308 A.D.), the author of the TTTचरित in Sanskrit, also refers to प्रभञ्जन.
Page 4-lines: 1) Here are referred to the alata (which styles itself as 87%) and पद्मचरित of जडिय ( मा जडिल), i.e., जटिल and रविषेण respectively. For details about them, see the agafa, Bombay 1938 and 9afa (c. 776 A.D.), 1-3, Bombay 1928, both published in the AT. f. a THT Nos. 40 and 29-31. A Hindi translation of the former has appeared from Varanasi, and a new ed. of the latter, 1-2, along with Hindi translation is published lately by the HOT TO, Varanasi 1958-59. 2) #fYST FET = falaf ) is only a synonym of
#2152 El. On this equation see my paper in the Proc. and Trans. of the A.-I.O.C., XIII, pp. 381-2, Nagpur 1946 and with revision, Bhāratiya Vidyā, VII, pp. 23-4, Bombay 1947. Its author is Haribhadra whose favourite 35 is the term fata duly mentioned here by a उद्द्योतन calls him a गुरु from whom he had studied a number of शास्त्रs. Render समय or स्वमत-शत (or 797) -STIFTTTI:. 3) Is it that the author has in mind some poets who have for their 37 terms like अभिमान, पराक्रम and साहस? 5) of the five कथाs enumerated the first two appear to be types of FPT, and the next two, perhaps the last also, possibly refer to the mode of narration or narrating. The T T is a mixed type which inherits the characteristics of all these; it is
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