while he was staying in the town of Bara (Bara-ṇayara) in the country of Pariyatta or Pariyātra which was rich in lakes and wells, charming with residential buildings, populated by different people, full of wealth and corn, and further attractive on account of pious householders and hosts of monks. The king of that place was Sakti- or Santi- (Pkt. Satti- or Samti-) bhūpāla who was pure with right faith, who practised various vows, was endowed with good conduct, was ever generous in his gifts, was partial to Jainism and heroic, was endowed with many a virtue and honoured by many kings, and who was expert in various arts.
The time when Padmanandi lived is a problem in the absence of any mention of the date in the work itself. Obviously we have to piece together bits of external evidence and try to put broad limits for his age.
a) The earliest Ms. of JPS, known to us, is that from Amera, and it is written in Samvat 1518 (-57-1461 A. D.).
b) It is seen that JPS is indebted to a number of earlier works, some of which of authentic authorship and date, like the Mûlacara, Tiloya-paņṇatti, Bṛhat-Kṣetrasamāsa and Trilokasara. The Trilokasära of Nemicandra is to be assigned to the 10th century A. D.
c) The Sanskrit text, Lokavibhaga, specifically mentions JPS and quotes a gatha from it; but the date of it is not-definite (Tiloyapanṇatti, part ii, Hindi Intro. p. 73).
The evidence set forth above allows us to conclude that JPS of Padmanandi was composed after Trilokasara, i. e., after the 10th century A. D., but before 1461 A. D., that being the age of the Amera Ms. Some more evidence has to be sought to narrow down this period and put a specific date.
Pāriyatra stands for the territory above the Vindhya, and also for its western range. Pt. Premi has suggested (Jaina Sahitya aura Itihasa, pp. 256 ff.) that Bara-nagara might be the same as Bara in the Kota area of Rajasthan; and it was a seat of the Bhaṭṭarakas in the 11th and 12th century A, D. He further suggests that Śakti-bhūpāla might be the same as Sakti-kumāra of the Guhilot dynasty of Rajasthan, roughly at the close of the 10th contury A. D. Sakti-kumāra seems to have been partial to Jainism, though he was a Pasupata by faith. So Padmanandi might have composed this JPS at the close of the 10th or at the beginning of the 11th century A. D. at the time of Śaktikumāra. 5. GENERAL EDITORIAL
As soon as the edition of Tilloyapappatti was completed (Vol. II published in 1951), the editors had before then one more Prakrit work on the same subject to see the light of day, the Jambudiva-panṇatti of Paümanamdi.
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