view, they are connected with one another. Welcome light has recently been thrown on each of these problems by the discovery of hidden materials. Fresh problems also have cropped up. We are glad to note here that the sūtra-text of Candrānanda along with his Commentary, presented here, substantiates many coniectures and fills many obscure lacunae. A. The History
As regards the History of the Vais'eșika system, we had, so long, a very little knowledge. It is particularly trúe about the dark period between the time of Kaņāda, the first exponent of the system and that of Prasastapāda. The learned editor could gather much material from little known sources. His critical studies in the Dvadas'āranayacakra of Mallavādin with the Nyāyagamanusärini of Simhasüri and the Pramāṇasamuccaya of Dinnāga with the Visālāmalavatı of Jinendrabuddhi among others have proved immensely fruitful. The Nayacakra is a mine of informations and was partly and imperfectly known. It freely quotes the Vais'eşikasūtras, the readings of which, it is curious to note, agree with the Sulrapātha of Candrānanda'. Moreover, Mallavādin makes exhaustive use of the Vais'eșika Literature available at his time. Most of the Vais'eșika works known to Mallavādin belong to the dark period mentioned above. The Tibetan version of the Pramanısamuccayn with the Vis'ālamalavatı also gives valuable informations. We give below a sketch of the lost Vaigesika works that came to be known through references and quotations.
Bhattavādındra, in his Kanzd 8tranibandha informs us that there was one Pracinavais'eşikasutra composed by Lord Siva. The presenc Vuiseșikasūtra presupposing it is said to have been taught to Kanāda by the Lord in the form of an owl.
The Vuiseșikakatandī seems to be an elaborate work based
1. Vide the foot-notes and the Appendices. A critical edition of Dva lasaranayacıkra with elaborate notes and appendices by Muni S'rī Jambūvijayaji is in the Press and is expected shortly. It will be published by the Jaina Ātmānanda Sabhā, Bhāvnagar.
2. Bhattavādındra-the Vais'eșika-JOI, Baroda, Vol. X, No. 1.
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