In the extensive philosophical literature, ancient and mediaeval, the Vais'eșika philosophy has often been quoted or referred to. The Nyayadars'unce, as the kindred system has many things in common (including some Sūtras ) with it. The Nyayabhasyu of Vātsyāyana and the Nyayavartika of Uddyotakara hold the tenets of both the systems as equally authoritative. The relation deepened and ultimately the systems merged into a single unit The Brahmasutras of Bādarāyaṇa, according to all the Commentators criticise the Vais'eșika views. The later Advaitins like S'rīharşa and Citsukha are more critical about them. The Mimāṁsā and the Sānkhya seem to have been earlier in origin than the Vais'eşika. But in their development, the Vais'eșika contributes its mite. The Bhasyu of Sabara shows some knowledge of the Vais'eșika system. In the Subschools of Kumārila and Prabhākara its stamp is marked. The extant Sankhyasūtras refute the Vais'eșika categories.
The Buddhists and the Jainas also show some connection with the Vais'eşikas. The Jainas have their own paramāņuvāda. The Trairās'ikasākhā founded by Şadulūka Rohagupta” (A.D. 17) shows many things in common with this dars'ana. 1. Sābara and the Nyāyavais'eșika Darsanas. JOR, Madras,
Vol XVIII. 2 Vide Vis'eşāvas'yakabhāşya of Jinabhadragaņikşamās'ramaņa with the commentary by Maladhāri Hemacandrasūri, Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamālā (Kāsi) edition, pp. 981-1002. ननु रोहगुप्त इत्येवास्य नाम, तत् कथं षडुलूक इत्यसकृत् प्रागुक्तोऽसौ ? इत्याह
नामेण रोहगुत्तो गुत्तण लप्पए स चोलूओ।
दघाइछप्पयत्थोवएसणाओ छलूउ त्ति ॥ २५०८ ॥ नाम्नासौ रोहगुप्तो गोत्रेग पुनरुलूकगोत्रसंभूतत्वादसावुलूक इत्यालप्यते। द्रव्यगुणकर्मसामान्य. विशेष समाय लक्ष गबट पदार्थ प्ररूपणेन षट्पदार्थप्रधान उलूकः षडुलूक इत्ययं व्यपदिश्यते । इत्यष्ट9817-1918: 1 Ibid, p. 1002.
Uttarādhyayanasūtrabthadvịtti by Sāntisūri D. L. edition, Surat, pp. 161-172. गतः पञ्चमो निह्नवः । षष्टमधुनोपदर्शयन्नाह -
पंच सया चोयाला तइया सिद्धिं गयस्स वीरस्स। gfTÄNÜFrig arfaulgt Jaquorr li $340 (H167. ]
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