Sāstra is distingnished from the rest as it has the six categories for its subject-matter.
Thers is some controversy as regards the affiliation of the Sāstra in its initial stage. An “anti-Vedic logic and epistemology of the pre-Buddhistic Vais'eșika” has been supposed.” But the available literature does not support such a supposition.
On the other hand, the Vedic Samhitas, Brahmanas and Upanışads evince a strong urge to know the properties of entities and often record the results of investigations of the seers which bear close resemblance to the Vais'eșika tenets. The sūtras accept the authority of the Vedas (Amnāya ) and refer to the Brahmanas and the Vedic rituals showing their Vedic affiliation.
In the commentary presented here, Candrānanda makes the point clear (and we suppose, he had good grounds, if not an unbroken tradition behind him ), that the knowledge of the six categories through similarity and dissimilarity produces non-attachment to the mundane entities and thus becomes the cause of final release. Again our worldly prosperity to be attained through Vedic sacrifices also depend upon the true knowledge thus attained, of entities required to perform the prescribed rites. Here the examples of substance (like earth, and water ) quality and action are all culled from the Vedic texts. This seems to support our contention that the word 'dharma' in Vs. I. i. 1 & 2 means piedārthadharma. The authority of the Vedas may be assumed by a Vais'eșika since they enlighten us on the true characteristics of the entities.
We have pointed out that the attitude of the Vais'eșikas is much akin to the Vedic Rsis. The Samitas give the true characteristics of the duties, the Brahmanus among other things ___ 1. द्रव्यगुणकर्मसामान्यविशेषसमवायात्मकैः पदार्थविशेषैर्व्यवहरन्तीति वैशेषिकाः । रूढेश्वाभ्युपगत#gataza I 37701 7777 tranchant facerea 7745Hizgrallela fasta: 18 strai là afetar ige faerigetta al sfat asiat: Dharmottarapradīpa,p. 240.
2. A Primer of Indian Logic, Madras, 1951, Intro. p. x. 3. Candranandavrtti, p 3. 4, Intro : Vais'eşikndars'ına, Mithila Institute, p. (19)
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