15, 17 नवम्बर 2006
karmas takes place are closed. Due to this the influx of new karmas is averted. Pratikramana results in returning back from perverted attitude etc., to right attitude
Pratikramana is a type of austerity. Prayaścitta is also a type of austerity, moreover one type of Prayaścitta is Pratikramana. It is a great medicine for karmic diseases and further develops resistance in preventing the disease and also acts as an energizer, which gives strength and power, Thus in short, those transgressions that have taken place in the past have to be analyzed through Ālocanã, the possibilities of transgression taking place in the present have to be carefully checked through samvara and through Pratyākhayāna the future influx is prevented. Pratikramana is helpful in removing pramāda or negligence, which is the biggest foe of an aspirant.
Prāyaścitta is a kind of internal penance through which it is possible to clean the defects born of negligence in connection with a vrata that has been accepted Real expiotion or atonement however consists in the contemplation of the soul by destruction of all kinds of impurities of mind and meditating on the attributes of the soul." A faultless observance of the austerities is a part of expiation. A saint should conquer anger by forgiveness, pride by humility, deceit by straight forwardness and greed by contentment."
3- Niyamasāra, 83
4- Tattvärtha Sutra. VI.9.22(2)-Pg.341
Thus Alocana, Nindanā, Garhana, Pratikramṇa, and Prayaścitta, all of them purify the soul from the transgressions and mistakes. They act as removing the defects in charitra or conduct. All kinds of impurities of the soul are removed through the above spiritual windows and ventitators.
1- Utträdhyayana sūtra 29.6
2 -Ibid.29.7
5- Sthānanga Sūtra. 5.3.222 and Avasyaka Sūtra, Antim patha.
6- Avasyaka Vrtti by Acarya Haribhadra, 1250
7- Sthänänga Sutra, 6.3.125
8- Uttaradhyayana Sūtra 29.12 & SBE vol.45 pg.163
9- Tattvärtha Sutra 9.20 pg.340 of commentary by pandit sukhial.
10- Niyamsara. 113,114,&115
11- Daśavaikālika sūtra.8.39
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