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They were adorned with sandalwood and garlands, carried by each other, like clouds filled with water, covered with lotus petals, golden pots, free from lust, anger, delusion, greed, pride, arrogance and fickleness, free from sin, the great Adideva (Rishabha) was anointed, worshipped, bowed to, praised and adorned. _Ghatta - who is the Jina, the knowledge-pure, self-enlightened, bathes that ocean with water! The devotee shows the sun a lamp. ||14||_
The pure was also bathed. The auspicious was also sung of auspiciousness. Why was the Digambara Parameshti, the knower of Sanvara, given an amber garment? Why were ornaments given to those who are the embodiment of ornaments, why were they adorned who are the adornment of the world? Those whose both ears were pierced with a vajra needle and adorned with gem-studded earrings, like the discs of the moon and the sun, who have fled from the fickle Rahu and taken refuge in the unfathomable, are free from the debt of the world.